in 10 mins

the new C++ ?

impossible in 10 min !

It's "new"

  • was born in 2006 - Graydon Hoare
  • 2009      ----------------------->
  • 2010 announced
  • 2012 alpha version
  • 1.0 released in 2015  => 
  • 1.15 February 2, 2017
  • 1.29.2 October 10, 2018
  • 1.30.0 October 25, 2018


most loved programming language in:

2016, 2017 and 2018

- StackOverflow Survey


  • Imperative
  • Structured
  • Functional
  • Concurrent
  • Generic
  • Compiled
fn  function            (i: i32) -> i32 { i + 1 }
let closure_annotated = |i: i32| -> i32 { i + 1 };
let closure_inferred  = |i     |          i + 1  ;
Control flexibility
Double free
Dangling pointers
Buffer overflow
Data races

Comparison among other languages

Static Strong Typing


All variables are immutable by default

let elem = 5u8; //annotated as u8 type

let mut vec = Vec::new(); //growable array of something

vec.push(elem); // compiler knows now => Vec<u8>

Who's using it

  • Amazon - Building tools in Rust.
  • Atlassian - Using Rust in the backend.
  • Dropbox - Using Rust in both the FE/BE.
  • Facebook - Tools for source control.
  • Google - As part of the Fuchsia project.
  • Microsoft - Using Rust in part of their new Azure IoT work.
  • npm - Using Rust in some of the npm core services.
  • Red Hat - Creating a new storage system
  • Reddit - Using Rust in its comment processing
  • Twitter - As part of the build team support for Twitter.
  • Good abstraction

  • Memory safety ~ No GC

  • Good concurrency Handling

What provides Rust

Memory vulnerabilities

  • One owner per value
  • Assignments move ownership
  • Value is freed automatically when owner returns

Memory safety in Rust

fn main() {
  let name = String::new();
  save(name);  // Error: name was moved

fn save(name: String) {
  // this is taking ownership
  // then frees memory allocated for 'name'


  • Others can read
  • No writers
  • Locks till it goes out of scope


  • No other readers or writers
  • Locks till it goes out of scope

when a reference is

Never have reader and writer at the same time

All is checked at compile time

fn main() {

  let immutable_box = Box::new(5u32);

  println!("immutable_box is {}", immutable_box); // 5

    // *Move* the box (change the ownership)
    // (and mutability)
  let mut mutable_box = immutable_box;

    // error! it's not owner
    // println!("immutable_box is {}", immutable_box);
  println!("mutable_box is {}", mutable_box); // 5

  *mutable_box = 4;
  println!("mutable_box now is {}", mutable_box); // 4



Good Abstraction

// Example 1
enum Event {
  Click { x: i64, y: i64 }

fn print_event(event: Event) {
  match event {
    Event::Load => println!("Loaded"),
    Event::KeyPress(c) => println!("Key {} pressed", c),
    Event::Click {x, y} => println!("Clicked at x={}, y={}", x, y),

// Example 2
fn load_images(paths: &[PathBuf]) -> Vec<Image> {
     .map(|path| Image::load(path))

// Example 3
fn main() {
  struct Dot { x: (u32, u32), y: u32 }
  let dot = Dot { x: (1, 2), y: 3 };
  let Dot { x: (a, b), y } = dot;
  println!("a: {}, b: {},  y: {} ", a, b, y);




High order Functions



Unit Tests

Fast code

Cross-lang interoparation



+ Mutation

+ No ordering


    Data race

Rust does not allow both at the same time

and verifies it

at compile time


Use cases

  • WebAssembly (Wasm)
  • Microcontrollers & IoT
  • Low level
    • Operating Systems
    • Browsers
    • Servers
    • Tooling
    • ... more


rustup nvm
cargo npm
Rust Playground node REPL



1..1_000 thanks

Rust Intro in 10 min

By Oswaldo Herrera

Rust Intro in 10 min

What is this multi paradigm programming language which emphasize control, safety and speed at the same time and that no other language have them? - Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety

  • 530