Goh Wei Wen

24 Oct 2020


What is Docker?

  • Containerize apps
    • Isolated environment for launching processes
    • Clean separation of environments
    • Sandbox with defined resources
  • Simple interface for launching applications

Why should I use Docker?

  • Compatibility/dependency management
  • Quick dev environment set up
  • Easily convert dev environment to staging/prod environment

What is a container?

  • Use underlying kernel to run, so any Linux host OS can run any Linux distros in Docker (e.g. CentOS/Alpine on an Ubuntu host)
$ docker run --rm ubuntu echo "Hello world"

Unable to find image 'ubuntu:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu
6a5697faee43: Pull complete
ba13d3bc422b: Pull complete
a254829d9e55: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:b709186f32a3ae7d0fa0c217b8be150ef1ce4049bf30645a9de055f54a6751fb
Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:latest
Hello world

Hello World

docker run --rm ubuntu echo "Hello world"
  • Hey docker,
    • start a container
    • using the image ubuntu
    • and run the command echo "Hello world"
    • oh, and clean up after you're done
  • Docker will
    • look for a local image called ubuntu with tag latest
    • otherwise, look in the default registry (docker.io) and pull it
    • start the container using the specified command
    • remove the container after it terminates
$ docker run --rm ubuntu echo "Hello world"
Unable to find image 'ubuntu:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu
6a5697faee43: Pull complete
ba13d3bc422b: Pull complete
a254829d9e55: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:b709186f32a3ae7d0fa0c217b8be150ef1ce4049bf30645a9de055f54a6751fb
Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:latest
Hello world

First run:

Subsequent runs:

$ docker run --rm ubuntu echo "Hello world"
Hello world

Images and Containers

  • Docker Image
    • Immutable template for containers
    • Can be pulled and pushed to a registry
    • Fixed naming convention:
      • [registry/][user/]name[:tag]
    • Default tag to latest
    • Identified using an image digest (SHA256)
  • Docker Container
    • Instance of an image
    • Can be started, stopped, restarted
    • Maintains change within file system

Docker commands

$ tldr docker
Manage Docker containers and images.
 - List currently running docker containers:
   docker ps
 - List all docker containers (running and stopped):
   docker ps -a
 - Start a container from an image, with a custom name:
   docker run --name {{container_name}} {{image}}
 - Start or stop an existing container:
   docker {{start|stop}} {{container_name}}
 - Pull an image from a docker registry:
   docker pull {{image}}
 - Open a shell inside of an already running container:
   docker exec -it {{container_name}} {{sh}}
 - Remove a stopped container:
   docker rm {{container_name}}
 - Fetch and follow the logs of a container:
   docker logs -f {{container_name}}
$ docker run --rm prologic/todo
  • By default, will run with STDOUT attached to your terminal
  • Use CTRL+C to stop
  • Alternatively, use -d to run in detached mode

Attach & Detach

$ docker run --rm -d prologic/todo
$ docker attach a0849
$ docker run --rm -i python
print(1 + 1)

Interactive Terminal

  • --interactive:  Keep STDIN open even if not attached.
  • --tty: Allocate a pseudo-TTY and attach to STDIN.
$ docker run --rm -it python
Python 3.9.0 (default, Oct 13 2020, 20:14:06)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Port mapping

docker run --rm -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
docker run --rm -d -p 5433:5432 postgres
docker run --rm -d -p 5434:5432 postgres
  • Maps a port on the host (localhost:5432) to a port in the docker container
  • Can have multiple containers using the same ports, but mapped to different host ports

Port mapping

docker run --rm -d -p 8000:8000 prologic/todo
  • todo is a self-hosted todo web app that lets you keep track of your todos in a easy and minimal way. 📝
  • Listens on port 8000
docker run --name todo -d -p 8000:8000 \
      -v /tmp/todo.db:/usr/local/go/src/todo/todo.db \
  • Docker containers are ephemeral. When removed, all data is lost
  • We can mount volumes to persist the file system. Docker will overlay the volume onto the image
  • Use absolute path for a local volume

Volume mapping

docker stop todo
docker rm todo
docker run --name todo -d -p 8000:8000 \
      -v /tmp/todo.db:/usr/local/go/src/todo/todo.db \
      -e THEME=ayu \
  • We can configure the containers using environment variables. This is useful to configure different deployments e.g. staging/prod environments
  • todo supports changing the theme:

Environment Variables

docker logs -f todo
[todo] 2020/10/23 23:56:00 ( "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 842 684.422µs
[todo] 2020/10/23 23:56:00 ( "GET /css/color-theme.css HTTP/1.1" 200 166 196.807µs
  • When running in detached mode, we lose access to STDOUT.
  • We can use docker logs to look at the logs
    • -f flag to follow the logs



docker inspect todo
  • Useful for troubleshooting
  • View information
    • status (running/paused/OOMkilled/dead)
    • image
    • command and args
    • env variables
    • port binds
    • volumes mounts
    • etc

Building your own containers

Why create my own image?

  • Cannot find pre-built containers
  • Existing containers don't match your requirements
    • e.g. PHP applications that carry their own reverse proxies
  • Want to deploy your own applications with Docker

How to create my own image?

  1. Plan how to get a working environment from scratch
    • What OS or base image?
    • What dependencies to install?
    • What services does it depend on?
  2. Write a Dockerfile using that recipe
FROM ubuntu:latest

RUN apt-get update \
  && apt-get install nodejs npm

COPY . .

CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]

Layered architecture

  • Each command creates a new layer that builds over the previous
  • Helps with incremental building
FROM node:latest

COPY . .

CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]

Choose the right base image

  • Reduce build times
  • Save disk space if you have multiple images with similar setup
docker build . -t goweiwen/docker-workshop

Build it!

  • Build the container with a specified tag:
docker history goweiwen/docker-workshop
  • View the layers using docker history
docker run --rm goweiwen/docker-workshop
  • Run it
ENV <key>=<value>

More commands

  • Default environment variables
VOLUME ["/data"]
  • Declare volumes for mounts
EXPORT <port>
  • Declare ports to export

Docker Compose

The Problem

  • Deploying a stack of containers with commands is verbose and difficult to maintain
    • Specify all mounts and ports (if bridging to host)
    • Networking between containers
    • Specifying all environment variables
    • How to do version control?
  • One solution is to put the configuration into a yaml file
    • e.g. docker-compose.yaml, Kubernetes manifests
    • Check that yaml into a git repository maintained by DevOps team


  • Python web app for serving front-end for voting
  • Node.js web app for showing results
  • Redis in-memory DB
  • Postgres filesystem DB
  • .NET Core worker for consuming votes
docker run -d --name=redis redis
docker run -d --name=db postgres:9.4
docker run -d --name=vote -p 5000:80 voting-app
docker run -d --name=result -p 5001:80
docker run -d --name=worker worker

Have to link the containers

  • Resolves hosts using /etc/hosts
  • If "vote" looks for a host called "redis", need to link them for it to resolve
docker run -d --name=redis redis
docker run -d --name=db postgres:9.4
docker run -d --name=vote -p 5000:80 \
  --link redis:redis voting-app
docker run -d --name=result \
  --link db:db -p 5001:80
docker run -d --name=worker \
  --link db:db --link redis:redis worker
version: 3
    image: redis
    image: postgres:9.4
    image: voting-app
      - 5000:80
    image: result-app
      - 5001:80
    image: worker


  • No need to link
  • Docker compose will create a default network and link all services in it
docker-compose up

docker stack deploy voting-app \
  -c docker-compose.yml


  • Manage, scale containerized applications across multiple machines
  • Abstracts the concept of individual machines, now think in terms of total resource: CPU, memory
  • Containers guarantee they work the same everywhere
  • Automatically scale applications up, replace failed containers, perform rolling updates
  • e.g.
    • Kubernetes
    • Docker Swarm


  • a.k.a k8s
  • Most commonly used orchestration solution
  • Use manifest yamls to declare deployment requirements
  • Complicated
    • Tools such as Helm and Ksonnet to manage these yamls, allow rolling back entire deployment configs
  • Enterprise-grade, offered by cloud solutions
    • e.g. Google Kubernetes Engine, Anthos, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, DigitalOcean Kubernetes
  • Not covered today

Docker Swarm

  • Docker's solution to orchestration
  • Allow using multiple Docker hosts as a single virtual host
  • Can use docker-compose.yml almost without change
  • Much lighter than k8s, quicker to deploy and lower overhead
  • Less complex

Private Registries

  • Default registry is Docker Hub (docker.io)
  • Sometimes, you don't want your containers to be public
  • e.g. GitLab's container registry (FREE!)
docker login registry.gitlab.com

docker pull registry.gitlab.com/kiasufoodies/kiasubot:0.10.0

Using Docker for Development

Quickly set up a database

  • Set up a disposable Postgres or MySQL database quickly
  • Restore a database dump if necessary
docker run -p 5432:5432 --name onimadb \
  -e POSTGRES_USER='onima' \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD='password' \
  -d postgres
docker exec -i onimadb pg_restore -U onima -d onima < ~/onima.dump

DB_HOST= DB_USER=onima DB_PASSWORD=password yarn start

Mock an S3 endpoint

  • MinIO is an S3-compatible block storage solution
    image: minio/minio
    command: server /data
      - 9000:9000
      - minio:/data
      MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: minio_access_key
      MINIO_SECRET_KEY: minio_secret_key
yarn start

Help frontend developers

  • No need to understand how the backend is set up
  • Just keep a docker-compose.yml in the repository
  • Remember to keep secrets off the version control!
version: '3.1'
    image: registry.gitlab.com/kiasufoodies/kiasubot:0.5.2
      - TZ=Asia/Singapore

Using Docker for Deployment

Reverse Proxies

  • Use the request address to proxy HTTP(S) requests to containers
  • Just add labels to your containers
  • Automatically create configs as containers are added/removed
  • Automatically request for and renew LetsEncrypt SSL certs!
  • For nginx:
    • jwilder/nginx-proxy
    • jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion
  • For Caddy:
    • lucaslorentz/caddy-docker-proxy

Using GitLab's CI

  • GitLab's CI is powerful
  • Use it to build your projects
  • Deploy to GitLab's container registry
  • Even automatically deploy the containers!
  stage: build
    - if: "$CI_COMMIT_TAG"
    - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest
    - docker build --cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest --tag
      $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest .
    - docker push "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest"

Backing up databases

  • Don't reinvent the wheel
  • Remember to test your backups -- Untested backups are worthless
  • For Postgres:
    • prodrigestivill/postgres-backup-local
    • schickling/postgres-backup-s3
  • For MariaDB:
    • tiredofit/mariadb-backup

Monitoring Docker

  • cAdvisor
    • Collects and exports data about running containers
      • Resource usage
      • Network statistics
  • Prometheus
    • Polling time series database, can poll cAdvisor
  • Grafana
    • Data visualization and alert system, can use data from Prometheus


Docker (2020)

By Wei Wen Goh

Docker (2020)

  • 1,553