D3.js Tutorial

Wenbin He

Intro to D3.js

What is D3.js

  • Visualizing data with web standards (HTML/SVG/CSS)
    • Binding data to web elements
    • Applying data-driven transformations to web elements

Web Standards

  • HTML (HyperText Markup Language)
    • Basic building block of the Web
    • Defining the content of a webpage
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
    • Describing the presentation of a html document
  • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
    • A vector image format for two-dimensional graphics

SVG Examples

D3.js Pipeline









D3.js Examples

More examples can be found at: https://github.com/d3/d3/wiki/Gallery

Let’s Make a Bar Chart!

Environment Setup


D3 uses CSS Selectors

.select() and .selectAll()

What if we want to select multiple elements at the same time?

What a Selection Object Looks Like

.attr() and .style()

  • .attr() - get or set a HTML attribute
    • position
    • size
    • ...
  • .style() - get or set a CSS style property
    • color
    • fill
    • stroke
    • ...

.attr() and .style() cont'd

Map Data with Elements


  • Using D3’s selection.data() method to bind data to elements
  • .data() accepts practically any array of numbers, strings, or objects
  • If .data() is called, a __data__ property will be created for each element, which contains the data mapped to that element

.data() cont'd

.attr() and .style() again

What if number of data doesn't match number of items selected?

If the value given to .attr() or .style() is a function, it is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current DOM element (this)

enter, update, and exit

  • Calling .data() creates three selections:
    • enter - data missing elements
    • update - join elements to data
      • .data() returns the update selection
    • exit - elements missing data




Scales are functions that map from an input domain to an output range

Continuous Scales

  • input domain - continuous, quantitative
  • output range - continuous
  • linear scale - map input and output linearly
var scale = d3.scaleLinear()
              .domain([100, 500])
              .range([10, 350]);

// note: use d3.scale().linear() for d3 version 3.x

scale(100);  // returns 10
scale(300);  // returns 180
scale(500);  // returns 350

Other Continuouse Scales

d3.scaleLog(), d3.scalePow(), d3.scaleTime()

var x = d3.scaleTime()
          .domain([new Date(2000, 0, 1), new Date(2000, 0, 2)])
          .range([0, 960]);

x(new Date(2000, 0, 1,  5)); // 200
x(new Date(2000, 0, 1, 16)); // 640

Ordinal Scales

  • input domain - discrete
  • output range - discrete (Note: could be numeric)
  • Including band scales, point scales, and category scales

Band Scales

  • d3.scaleBand()
  • Output range is continuous and numeric
  • Output values are automatically computed by dividing the continuous range into uniform bands

Point Scales

  • d3.scalePoint()
  • A variant of band scales with the bandwidth fixed to zero

Category Scales

  • Designed to work with d3.scaleOrdinal. For example:
var color = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory10);

Scale methods

  • .nice() - round domain to nicer numbers
  • .rangeRound() - output range in integers – better for positioning marks on the screen
  • .invert() - map output range to input domain
  • .ticks() - return uniformly spaced ticks for your axes.
  • .clamp() - limit output to range if an input outside the domain is provided

Scale Example


D3’s axes are functions generating visual elements of an axis, including lines, labels, and ticks

Setting up an Axis

  • Create a new axis function
    • d3.axisTop()
    • d3.axisRight()
    • d3.axisBottom()
    • d3.axisLeft()
  • ​Tell each axis what scale to operate on
    • .scale()
var scale = d3.scaleLinear()
              .domain([100, 500])
              .range([10, 350]);

var axis = d3.svg.axisBottom()

// Note: use d3.axis().orient("bottom")
//       for d3 version 3.x

Plotting an Axis

  • .call() - call a axis function to generate the axis


  • .ticks() - customize how ticks are generated and formatted

Put Together with Bars


.transition() and .duration()



Linear Easing

  • The identity function
  • Linear(t) returns t

Exponential Easing

  • Raises 2 to the exponent 10 * (t - 1)

Reverse Exponential Easing

  • Equivalent to 1 - expIn(1 - t)

Elastic Easing

  • Like a rubber band
  • The amplitude and period of the oscillation are configurable (default to 1 and 0.3)

More ease functions can be found at: https://github.com/d3/d3-ease

Sort the Bars


.on("event", ...)

More event types can be found at: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events#Standard_events

Put All Together

Load Data

.csv(), .tsv(), and .json()

  • Implemented Using XMLHttpRequest
  • All these functions are asynchronous functions
  • d3.csv/tsv(url, row, callback)
  • d3.json(url, callback)
var data;

d3.csv("filename.csv", function(d) {
  d.someattribute = somevalue;
  return d;
}, function(error, rows) {
  data = rows;
  console.log(data);  // returns rows

console.log(data);  // returns undefined



  • Provide a variety of layout generators for users' convenience
  • Do not lay anything out for you on the screen
  • Take data and transform it, thereby generating new data that is more convenient for a specific visual task

Layouts List

  • Pie
  • Pack
  • Stack
  • Tree
  • And many more


  • d3.pie() - using for creating pie charts
var data = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21];

// returns
  {"data":  1, "value":  1, "startAngle": 6.05, "endAngle": 6.17, "padAngle": 0},
  {"data":  1, "value":  1, "startAngle": 6.17, "endAngle": 6.28, "padAngle": 0},
  {"data":  2, "value":  2, "startAngle": 5.82, "endAngle": 6.05, "padAngle": 0},
  {"data":  3, "value":  3, "startAngle": 5.47, "endAngle": 5.82, "padAngle": 0},
  {"data":  5, "value":  5, "startAngle": 4.89, "endAngle": 5.47, "padAngle": 0},
  {"data":  8, "value":  8, "startAngle": 3.96, "endAngle": 4.89, "padAngle": 0},
  {"data": 13, "value": 13, "startAngle": 2.44, "endAngle": 3.96, "padAngle": 0},
  {"data": 21, "value": 21, "startAngle": 0.00, "endAngle": 2.44, "padAngle": 0}


  • d3.arc() - constructs a new arc generator with the default settings
  • arc(arguments…) - generates an arc for the given arguments

var arc = d3.arc();

  innerRadius: 0,
  outerRadius: 100,
  startAngle: 0,
  endAngle: Math.PI / 2
}); // returns "M0,-100A100,100,0,0,1,100,0L0,0Z"

var arc = d3.arc()
    .endAngle(Math.PI / 2);

arc(); // returns "M0,-100A100,100,0,0,1,100,0L0,0Z"

This is for SVG Path:

 - M = move to

 - L = line to

 - A = arc to

Arc Example

Pie Example

Other Shapes and Layouts





D3.js Tutorial

By Wenbin He

D3.js Tutorial

  • 1,951