Getting & using GLAM data

Play along!

Image: Abhi Sharma, licensed CC-BY, via Flickr




  • Galleries

  • Libraries

  • Archives

  • Museums

What is GLAM data?

  • collections
  • text
  • images, sound, & video
  • 3d models
  • born-digital
  • user-generated
  • system information
  • extracted & enriched
  • & more!

How do you get GLAM data?

  • APIs
  • CSVs
  • PDFs
  • downloadable datasets
  • online databases
  • Zotero?
  • Wikidata?

How do you find GLAM data?

<div class="zone onPage readMode" data-page-id="5417618" data-x="2889" data-y="571" data-w="862" data-h="1129" data-rotation="-1">

GLAM data can be:

  • incomplete
  • inconsistent
  • undocumented
  • hard to find
  • hard to access

But we can help!

  • document code and methods
  • build tools
  • share datasets


Trove's journal data:

  • 'articles' via API
  • issue text downloads from web interface
  • issue list via web interface
  • additional metadata embedded in html
  • connecting titles, issues, articles, & pages?
(E 19°04'00\"--E 31°35'00"/
N 70°05'00"--N 59°27'00")

146 volumes!

GLAM data has a history

WWI effect

Trove newspaper articles by year

copyright cliff of death



Trove newspaper articles by year

340km of records

What's in RecordSearch?

47% of series have no item descriptions

that's 50km of records

GLAM data

By Tim Sherratt

GLAM data

  • 987