Exploring the GLAM Workbench

GLAM Workbench


  • GLAM organisations are making more and more data available
  • We can use this data to ask new questions – to see differently
  • But what skills do you need?

How do I get started?

One click to start

  • Batteries included
  • Run in your browser, in the cloud
  • Pathways to develop skills & confidence

But why would I bother?

Not just tutorials

  • Live working examples
  • Useful tools
  • Handy hacks and workarounds
  • Fun things to try

Learn while undertaking real research tasks...

The how & the why...

GLAM CSV Explorer

Powered by....

  • Tools & examples created using Jupyter notebooks
  • Notebooks combine live code, text, images
  • Same notebook, different views
  • All in your browser!

Run code live!




Jupyter notebook

Running code

  • click on a cell
  • hit Shift+Enter

Editing code

  • click on a cell
  • edit the contents
  • hit Shift+Enter to run

GLAM Workbench

  • Trove
  • DigitalNZ
  • Commonwealth Hansard
  • NAA RecordSearch
  • NMA
  • Te Papa
  • Open data portals
  • Web Archives
  • & more!

Data sources include:

  • Trove
  • DigitalNZ
  • Commonwealth Hansard
  • NAA RecordSearch
  • NMA
  • Te Papa
  • Open data portals
  • Web Archives
  • & more!

Data sources include:

Trove newspapers

Trove in context

Running notebooks #1

Quick start using Binder

Just one click for a live, customised computing environment

over time

Running notebooks #2

Binder is cool, but...

  • Sessions will close if Binder detects no activity
  • Your data and changes are not saved between session
  • Great for quick tasks or exploration!

What if you need more?

Reclaim Cloud

Reclaim Cloud

  • A paid service (but easy to manage costs)
  • Developed by escaped academics
  • One click installation of GLAM Workbench sections
  • Creates persistent environments – all your data is saved!

in bulk

Newspaper articles as images


Harvest NAA data & images

Web archives

Changes in
an archived
web page

Text from web pages

Pre-packaged data


data sources

ABC RN Programs


Some fun!

& paste


  • different users
  • different views
  • different environments



Different views

Quick start using Binder

Reclaim Cloud

Start exploring!

Need help?

You can help too...

  • Spread the word!
  • Share ideas for new notebooks or data sources
  • Integrate into workshops and training?


The GLAM Workbench is...

  • Free!
  • Openly licensed to encourage reuse & modification
  • Shared through GitHub
  • Preserved in Zenodo

Use it, share it, change it!

See also...

PHA Workshop

By Tim Sherratt

PHA Workshop

  • 1,321