MS Teams


  1. Tabs
  2. Bots
  3. Messaging Extensions

List of tools required

Main methods

  1. initialize
  2. getContext
  3. microsoftTeams.authentication.notifySuccess
  4. microsoftTeams.authentication.notifyFailure
  5. microsoftTeams.authentication.getAuthToken
  6. microsoftTeams.authentication.authenticate
  7. microsoftTeams.settings.registerOnSaveHandler
  8. microsoftTeams.settings.setSettings
  9. microsoftTeams.settings.setValidityState


team-aware webpages

Enable Debugging in Teams Desktop

if cypress unable to get uname password

1. Disable security default (& 2FA etc)

Azure Active Directory security defaults | Microsoft Docs

without configurableTabs


Apps for team meeting

  1. If you have integrated a tab with your meeting, then your app must follow the Teams single sign-on (SSO) authentication flow for tabs.


  1. premeeting-tab is crashing
    1. fixed by adding "meetingChatTab"

User Roles in Team Meeting

  1. Roles in a Teams meeting (
  2. Organizer, Presenter, Attendee
  3. getParticipantRole

User Types in Team Meeting


  • in-tenant:
    • belong to org
    • have credentials in Azure Active Directory for tenant
    • can be organizer/presenter/attendee
  • guest
    • participant from other tenant
    • added to org's Azure AD & have same capabilities as Native
    • have access to chat/meetings/files
    • organizer/presenter/attendee
  • Federated/external
    • external Teams user, in another org
    • have valid creds with federated partner & authorized by teams 
  • anonymous
    • don't have Azure AD & aren't federated with tenant
    • like external but their identity isn't shown
    • can be presenter or attendee


Unified meetings apps - Teams | Microsoft Docs


User Types


Unified meetings apps - Teams | Microsoft Docs

Have Questions?
post here -

Teams Meeting

  1. groupChat -> pre-meeting/post-meeting
  2. Meeting API -> meetingId, userId, tenantId
  3. GetParticipant API -> bot registration and ID
  4. NotificationSignal API -> meeting events
  5. MeetingDetails API -> get TurnContext
    • TurnContext ;
      • ChannelMeeting.ReadBasic.Group


Where can tab appear

Meeting SidePanel

Meeting Stage

MS Teams

By xerosanyam

MS Teams

  • 334