MS Teams
- Tabs
- Bots
- Messaging Extensions
List of tools required
Main methods
- initialize
- getContext
- microsoftTeams.authentication.notifySuccess
- microsoftTeams.authentication.notifyFailure
- microsoftTeams.authentication.getAuthToken
- microsoftTeams.authentication.authenticate
- microsoftTeams.settings.registerOnSaveHandler
- microsoftTeams.settings.setSettings
- microsoftTeams.settings.setValidityState
team-aware webpages
Enable Debugging in Teams Desktop
if cypress unable to get uname password
1. Disable security default (& 2FA etc)
without configurableTabs
Microsoft Teams store validation guidelines - Teams | Microsoft Docs
Prepare your store submission - Teams | Microsoft Docs
Prepare your store submission - Teams | Microsoft Docs
Microsoft Teams store validation guidelines - Teams | Microsoft Docs
Microsoft Teams store validation guidelines - Teams | Microsoft Docs
Apps for team meeting
- If you have integrated a tab with your meeting, then your app must follow the Teams single sign-on (SSO) authentication flow for tabs.
- premeeting-tab is crashing
- fixed by adding "meetingChatTab"
User Roles in Team Meeting
- Roles in a Teams meeting (
- Organizer, Presenter, Attendee
- getParticipantRole
User Types in Team Meeting
- in-tenant:
- belong to org
- have credentials in Azure Active Directory for tenant
- can be organizer/presenter/attendee
- guest
- participant from other tenant
- added to org's Azure AD & have same capabilities as Native
- have access to chat/meetings/files
- organizer/presenter/attendee
- Federated/external
- external Teams user, in another org
- have valid creds with federated partner & authorized by teams
- anonymous
- don't have Azure AD & aren't federated with tenant
- like external but their identity isn't shown
- can be presenter or attendee
Unified meetings apps - Teams | Microsoft Docs
User Types
Unified meetings apps - Teams | Microsoft Docs
Have Questions?
post here -
Teams Meeting
- groupChat -> pre-meeting/post-meeting
- Meeting API -> meetingId, userId, tenantId
- GetParticipant API -> bot registration and ID
- NotificationSignal API -> meeting events
- MeetingDetails API -> get TurnContext
- TurnContext ;
- ChannelMeeting.ReadBasic.Group
- TurnContext ;
Where can tab appear
Meeting SidePanel
Meeting Stage
MS Teams
By xerosanyam
MS Teams
- 334