Opal 2.10

Search, variables annotations


  • Search variables using a controlled vocabulary
  • Search entities matching criteria from different tables
  • Process variables in batch

New features

  • Search variables page
  • Search entity page
  • Search entities page
  • Variable page improved with taxonomies

New features

  • Search engine is in a plugin
    • Plugin repository
    • Plugin administration page
  • Variable cart for variables batch processing
    • Addition to a view
    • Entities search criteria
    • Annotation with taxonomy term

Search Entities

Count entities matching criteria from different tables

ex: women, 50 years old, with cancer





Gender: women


Ever had cancer: yes

Search Entities Flow

  1. Search variables using taxonomy term criteria
  2. Add results to cart
  3. Make entities search criteria based on the variables in the cart
  4. Adjust/explore criteria constraints

Annotation Flow

  1. Search variables using free text criteria (name and label) and add results to cart
  2. Navigate in data dictionaries and add variables to cart
  3. Annotate variables in the cart by selecting a taxonomy term

View Creation Flow

  1. Search variables using taxonomy term criteria
  2. Add results to cart
  3. Create a view from variables in the cart


  • Opal 2.10
  • Opal Search Elasticsearch plugin 2.4

Opal 2.10

By Yannick Marcon

Opal 2.10

Search, variables annotations

  • 1,238