
to the OPENING night of

12? 4? 8? :)

weeks of fun and excitement!

The solution...

we all work together!

The opportunity...

to build something AWESOME!

first task!

introduce yourself to someone who is enrolled in:

  1. the SAME course as you are,
  2. a DIFFERENT course than you are,

determine why each of them are here!

coming together!

province, ivory tower, community, city, startups (YAY Fort Tectoria!)...

Part 1: Deconstructing Digital Marketing

Part 2:

Building Web Apps

Part 3: Data Management and Visualization

CSC 101: Untangling the Web by Analyzing and Architecting Digital Solutions

schedule for tonight!

1: make sure we cover any missing details/questions 

  • syllabus (top of the CourseSpaces cite)
  • administrative issues 


2: mind mapping the landscape of the Web!

3: practices and tools tools tools! the what and the how...


how is this going to work?

  • we meet here every Wed 6-9 except for 
    • Feb 10 (reading week)
    • Feb 17 (discover Tectoria!  location TBA)
  • CourseSpaces for forums (CSC 101's every week!)
    • need a netlink id!
    • sign on through UVic
  • Slack for spontaneous teamwork (recommended)(https://fortvic2016.slack.com)
  • GitHub (https://github.com/ycoady/FortUVic2016)
    • Slides.com for lecture notes
    • example code in HTML, CSS and JavaScript
    • short videos

what is this "Web stuff"

what is in the tool box?


development practices, tools and technologies used in today's Web-based applications in three phases:

  1. [4 weeks] analyze digital ecosystems using tools to monitor the way users click and navigate through Web application
    • trends associated with marketing strategies and search engines
  2. [4 weeks] hands-on experience creating content with technologies handled by any browser
    • front-end solutions, mobile friendly technologies
  3. [4 weeks] data on the back-end 
    • cloud technologies and databases

what to expect...

what is this "Web stuff"

what is in the tool box?


  • web analytics tools, Google Analytics
  • A/B testing, search engine optimization
  • development tools and practices such as GitHubSlack, and Agile methodologies

Digging IN!!!

what is this "Web stuff"

what is in the tool box?

  • web analytics tools, Google Analytics
  • A/B testing, search engine optimization
  • development tools and practices such as GitHubSlack, and Agile methodologies
  • basics of front-end development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Browser-based Developer Tools
  • frameworks for front-end development such as Bootstrap and React, UI design
  • basics of back-end servers with cloud-based containers such as Docker and Nitrous.io
  • basics of databases and back-end data management with MongoDB, NodeJS and ExpressJS

REALLY Digging IN!!!!!

QUESTIONS about the course or anything so far?

mind map of the  "Webscape"

what is this "Web stuff"

what is in the tool box?


  • What does a browser do?
  • What is your favourite browser and why?
  • We'll use Chrome (mileage will vary with different browsers!), development tools
    • Dropdown menu: View ->
                                             Developer ->
                                                   Developer Tools
  • W3Schools is one place to go for great tutorials
    • HTML          the model!
    • CSS              the view!
    • JavaScript   the controller!

Some of our first tools!

what is this "Web stuff"

what is in the tool box?

  • What is on the server?
  • What is on the client?
  • If there is a database, where is it, what does it do?
  • If there are analytics being collected, where are they?
  • If I want to change the code, do I log into the server and edit it there?
  • Where else can the content be stored?
  • What technologies are these slides made from?! :)
  • What are good tools and strategies for sharing content that must be continually updated?


This will be due next week (101ers!), to create this landscape image!

Deep Thoughts!  Sketch a MindMap?!

what is this "Web stuff"

what is in the tool box?

Changing gears a little...

What REALLY happens with that Google search page?

How many different computers are involved?  

Where are they?  

Are you anonymous?

What if you type this into your browser?

            filetype:xls site:ru login

Let's investigate... (http://slides.com/ycoady/sketching-the-landscape/live#/)

Deep Thoughts!  Sketch a MindMap?!

analyzing clicks!

what is in the tool box?

examples of cool tools!

just to get some ideas, check these out!

  • Hubspot.com  http://www.hubspot.com/                   
  • InfusionSoft  http://www.infusionsoft.com/
  • Hotjar, SpyFu, SimilarWeb, Moz, Trello, Flow, Unbounce, Slack
  • others?
  • sales funnel ideas and myths:
    • awareness -> leeds -> prospects -> sales

GOLDEN info from Erin!

  • sales landscape has changed with technology
    • 70% of the process of a sale is done by researching online, through social media...
    • sales people have a very different job today!
    • more like facilitators
      • navigating the information and service
  • next week we will look at some of what is in the tool box, and ways to learn more about what is there!


what is in the tool box?

Untangling the Web

By Yvonne

Untangling the Web

Day 1 of FortUVic 2016!

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