150 coding challenges in 25 days
What I learned from attempting Advent of Code 2017, 2016 & 2015 all at one go.
Yong Jun
24 Jan 2018
About me
by Eric Wastl
Advent of Code a series of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels.
They are self-contained and are just as appropriate for an expert who wants to stay sharp as they are for a beginner who is just learning to code.
Each puzzle calls upon different skills and has two parts that build on a theme.
Personal Stat
Global Stat
If you need a little help
Some things I've learned
function* generator () {
// do something
yield 'someValue'
// do some more thing
yield 'anotherValue'
const iterator = generator()
// {value: 'someValue', done: false}
// {value: 'anotherValue', done: false}
// {value: undefined, done: true}
AoC 2017 Day 3: Spiral Memory
Right x 1
Up x 1
Left x 2
Down x 2
Right x 3
Up x 3
Left x 4
Down x 4
function * traverse () {
let step = 1
let x = 0
let y = 0
yield [x, y]
while (true) {
for (let right = step; right > 0; right--) {
yield [++x, y]
for (let up = step; up > 0; up--) {
yield [x, ++y]
for (let left = step; left > 0; left--) {
yield [--x, y]
for (let down = step; down > 0; down--) {
yield [x, --y]
function manhattanDistance (target) {
let coordinates
const location = traverse()
for (let i = 0; i < target; i++) {
coordinates = location.next().value
return Math.abs(coordinates[0]) + Math.abs(coordinates[1])
Why use a generator?
Rather than create an object that maintain internal state by variables assignment (explicit)
- Internal state can be implicit in the position of the yield statement
- Behave sort of like the goto statement from old school imperative programming
Another example
AoC 2015 Day 14:
Reindeer Olympics
function * reindeer (speed, fly, rest) {
let distance = 0
while (true) {
for (let i = 0; i < fly; i++) {
distance += speed
yield distance
for (let i = 0; i < rest; i++) {
yield distance
AoC 2016 Day 7:
Internet Protocol Version 7
function containsAbba (str) {
const match = str.match(/([a-z])([a-z])\2\1/)
if (!match) return false
if (match[1] !== match[2]) return true
return containsAbba(str.slice(match.index + 1))
Tail Call
AoC 2015 Day 10:
Elves Look, Elves Say
// no proper tail call
function lookNsay (str) {
const match = str.match(/(.)(\1*)/)
if (match[0].length === str.length) return match[0].length + match[1]
return match[0].length + match[1] + lookNsay(str.slice(match[0].length))
// with proper tail call
function lookNsay (str, prefix = '') {
const match = str.match(/(.)(\1*)/)
if (match[0].length === str.length) return prefix + match[0].length + match[1]
return lookNsay(str.slice(match[0].length), prefix + match[0].length + match[1])
- 'use strict'
- --harmony ⚐
- Only node 6 & 7
- rewrite recursion into iteration
- use a stack
- eg. Depth-first-search
AoC 2015 Day 17:
No Such Thing as Too Much
Given containers of various sizes (eg. 20, 15, 10, 5, and 5).
Find how many different combinations total up to a given capacity.
For example if required total is 25, four ways are possible:
- 15 and 10
- 20 and 5 (the first 5)
- 20 and 5 (the second 5)
- 15, 5, and 5
Enumerate all possible assignment combination
Eg. 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111
AoC 2015 Day 9:
All in a Single Night
Given distances between each location pair, find the
shortest route where every location is visited exactly once.
Enumerate all possible permutation
AoC 2015 Day 13:
Knights of the Dinner Table
Find the ideal seating arrangement around a round
dining table
Fix a start point and enumerate all possible
permutation that start and end with that point. Eg.
- A > B > C > D > A
- A > B > D > C > A
- A > C > B > D > A
- A > C > D > B > A
AoC 2015 Day 15:
Science for Hungry People
With exactly 100 teaspoons of ingredients. Find
the ideal recipe
Enumeration all possible split combinations. Eg.
0/0/100 | |||
0/1/99 | 1/0/99 | ||
0/2/98 | 1/2/98 | 2/1/98 | |
0/3/97 | 1/2/97 | 2/1/97 | 3/0/97 |
Enumerate Assignment Combinations
- Count up from 0 to
- Convert number to binary representation using Number.prototype.toString(2)
- Left pad string with zeros
- Convert to array using String.prototype.split('')
function getAssignments (items, groups = 2) {
const combinations = []
const nCombinations = Math.pow(groups, items)
const zeroPad = '0'.repeat(items)
for (let i = 0; i < nCombinations; i++) {
const combiString = (zeroPad + i.toString(groups)).slice(-items)
const combination = combiString.split('')
if (groups === 2) combinations.push(combination.map(v => +v))
else combinations.push(combination)
return combinations
Enumerate Split Combination
- Instead of enumerating units, enumerate cuts. Eg.
- If you have k different ingredients, the number of cuts to enumerate will be k - 1
- Pick any position that is between last cut's position and N inclusive
- Cuts can overlap
- Subtract adjacent cut index to get units of ingredient
- i.e.
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
First cut is always at 0
Last cut is always at N
Second cut at 2
Third cut also at 2
Fourth cut at 5
function getSplitCombinations (total, items) {
const combinations = []
function recurse (division, i) {
if (division.length < items - 1) {
while (i <= total) {
recurse(division.concat(i), i)
} else {
division = [0, ...division, total]
const combination = []
for (let i = 1; i < division.length; i++) {
combination.push(division[i] - division[i - 1])
recurse([], 0)
return combinations
More enumeration helpers
How about lazy enumeration?
AoC 2015 Day 24:
It Hangs in the Balance
Split cargo (28 pieces) into 3 groups of equal weight.
Pick combination with least items in the first group.
Total possible combinations is !!!
Takes too long to enumerate every possible combination.
Need a way to exit early once a match is found.
const iterable = {
[Symbol.iterator]: function* () {
let n = 0
while (true) {
yield n++
for (let n of iterable) {
if (n >= 10) break
// lazy version of assignment enumerator
function getAssignments (items, groups = 2) {
const nCombinations = Math.pow(groups, items)
const zeroPad = '0'.repeat(items)
return {
[Symbol.iterator]: function* () {
for (let i = 0; i < nCombinations; i++) {
const combiString = (zeroPad + i.toString(groups)).slice(-items)
const combination = combiString.split('')
if (groups === 2) yield combination.map(v => +v)
else yield combination
// wrong use
const iterable = getAssignment(n)
// correct use
const iterable = getAssignment(n)
for (let item of iterable) {
if (/* condition met */) return item
Graph search
function bfs (root) {
const visited = {}
const unvisited = []
unvisited.push([root, 0])
while (unvisited.length > 0) {
const [next, steps] = unvisited.shift()
if (next in visited) continue
visited[next] = 1
if (found) return steps
.forEach(child => {
unvisited.push([child, steps + 1]
function dfs (root) {
const visited = {}
const unvisited = []
unvisited.push([root, 0])
while (unvisited.length > 0) {
const [next, steps] = unvisited.pop()
if (next in visited) continue
visited[next] = 1
if (found) return steps
.forEach(child => {
unvisited.push([child, steps + 1]
Dealing with coding task of the assembly language kind
- Use Chrome inspector
- node --inspect-brk script.js
- Add debugger statement
Wrapping up
- Work it out on paper
- Premature optimization
- Readability & Extensibility > Efficiency & Speed
- Some knowledge of computation complexity is helpful
All solutions
150 coding challenges in 25 days
By yongjun21
150 coding challenges in 25 days
What I've learned from attempting Advent of Code 2017, 2016 & 2015 all at one go.
- 1,677