Hunting Bot Networks
Noam Rotem and Yuval Adam
Bots / Avatars / Sockpuppets
- Crowd-source suspicious accounts
- Identify suspicious clusters
- Manual and automated research
Recap - The Turkish Network
Suspicious Metadata
Cultural Inaccuracies
False Flag
Suspicious Cluster
Organic Network
Media References
The Turkish Connection
- Twitter disclosure
- 142 accounts suspended
Kingdom Salvation
כנסיית האל הכל יכול
Israeli Girls Network
Israeli Girls Network
- Same naming patterns
- All accounts created within 4 hours
- Still active...
Journalists at Risk
Fake News Campaign
Fake News Campaign
One-time Account
- Old account
- Wiped history clean
- Re-branded as a "legit" account
- Target journalists with DMs and @s
Social Graph Mismatch
Tech Infrasctructure
Twitter Data Collection
- Python
- PostgreSQL
- SQLAlchemy
- Celery
- Twitter API calls
- Response serialization and storage
- Tagging (for research)
- CSV and XLS exports
- Web-based dashboard
- Gephi for graph visualization
מודל לדוגמה
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = 'users'
id = Column(String(20), primary_key=True)
name = Column(String(15), nullable=False)
full_name = Column(Text)
description = Column(Text)
created = Column(DateTime)
location = Column(Text)
protected = Column(Boolean)
followers_count = Column(Integer)
friends_count = Column(Integer)
favourites_count = Column(Integer)
statuses_count = Column(Integer)
listed_count = Column(Integer)
imported = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),
updated = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),
tags = Column(ARRAY(Text), nullable=False,
default=cast(array([], type_=Text), ARRAY(Text)))
followers = relationship('User', secondary=follows,
primaryjoin=id == follows.c.to_id,
secondaryjoin=id == follows.c.from_id,,
backref='friends', lazy='subquery')
tweets = relationship('Tweet',
primaryjoin=' == foreign(Tweet.user_id)',
backref='user', lazy='subquery', viewonly=True)
__table_args__ = (
Index('ix_user_name_lower', func.lower('name')),
Index('ix_user_tags', tags, postgresql_using='gin'),
Project Side-Quest
Data Collection
- Browser fingerprinting
- WebRTC de-anonymization
- IP leakage
Next Steps
- Crowd-funding campaign
- Continue data collection and analysis
Twitter Dev Conf Eng
By Yuval Adam
Twitter Dev Conf Eng
- 1,496