What we need to know
Abhishek Yadav
ரூபீ ப்ரோக்ராமர்
Co-organizer: Chennai.rb
- History
- Technical details
- Affects on Rails
- What we can use
HTTP: History
- 1991: HTTP 0.9 - First documented version
- 1996: HTTP 1.0 (rfc-1945), work starts on HTTP 1.1 (rfc-2068)
- 1997, 1999: HTTP 1.1 release and improvements (RFC-2068, RFC-2616)
- 2007: HTTPbis working group starts work on revising HTTP 1.1
- 2012: First draft of SPDY published
- 2014: HTTPbis submits new spec
- 2015: HTTP-2 published. Google announces stopping support for SPDY
HTTP: History
- 1991: HTTP 0.9 - First documented version
- 1996: HTTP 1.0 (rfc-1945), work starts on HTTP 1.1 (rfc-2068)
- 1997, 1999: HTTP 1.1 release and improvements (RFC-2068, RFC-2616)
- 2007: HTTPbis working group starts work on revising HTTP 1.1
- 2012: First draft of SPDY published
- 2014: HTTPbis submits new spec
- 2015: HTTP-2 published. Google announces stopping support for SPDY
1989: Tim Berners Lee: First GET requests
1996: Browser wars
1996: 40-60 % browsers already on Http1.0
1998: Google founded
1997-2000: Dot Com Bubble
2004: Facebook founded
2004: Gmail launched
2007: Iphone released
2008: Android released
2005: Ruby on Rails-1
2011: Rails 3.1: asset pipeline
2000: Roy Fielding: REST
2008: Chrome launched
2008: HTML5 Draft-1
2014: HTML5 finalized
2013: Chrome-29: SPDY
2011: Websockets shipped
2013: Snowden: NSA
2014: India: Modi as PM: massive use of social media
HTTP: History
- 1991: HTTP 0.9 - First documented version
- 1996: HTTP 1.0 (rfc-1945), work starts on HTTP 1.1 (rfc-2068)
- 1997, 1999: HTTP 1.1 release and improvements (RFC-2068, RFC-2616)
- 2007: HTTPbis working group starts work on revising HTTP 1.1
- 2012: First draft of SPDY published
- 2014: HTTPbis submits new spec
- 2015: HTTP-2 published. Google announces stopping support for SPDY
1989: Tim Berners Lee: First GET requests
1996: Browser wars
1996: 40-60 % browsers already on Http1.0
1998: Google founded
1997-2000: Dot Com Bubble
2004: Facebook founded
2004: Gmail launched
2007: Iphone released
2008: Android released
2005: Ruby on Rails-1
2011: Rails 3.1: asset pipeline
2000: Roy Fielding: REST
2008: Chrome launched
2008: HTML5 Draft-1
2014: HTML5 finalized
2013: Chrome-29: SPDY
2011: Websockets shipped
2005-2015: China+India add 600 million users (450+180).
India is at 350million now
HTTP: History: Conclusion
HTTP 1.1 has been stable, and popular
Internet has changed, has newer challenges
Majority users are on mobile
Privacy and security have become political
Governments are major stakeholders
THe web must be efficient and secure
HTTP-2: Technical details
HTTP is built on top of TCP
A typical web page load in browser:
Open TCP connection
Send the GET request
Receive HTML, parse it, start rendering it
Open new TCP connection for each asset referred in the html (asset: Javascript, CSS, image, font)
Server sends data only when browser requests it (exception: Websockets)
Every new connection creates a massive overheard
HTTP-2: Technical details
Popular websites have hundreds of such requests
Only upto 6 parallel connections are permitted per domain
HTTP-2: Technical details
- Concatenating JS and CSS (Rails asset pipeline)
Creating sprites from images
Data inlining for images
Domain Sharding: serving assets from different domains to parallelize
Caching (Conditional GET, Etag etc)
- HTTP Pipelining
Optimizations to HTTP 1.1
HTTP-2: Technical details
- Connection multiplexing
- Server push
HTTP-2 Proposals
- Header compression
- Binary encoding
HTTP-2: Technical details
- There will be a single, long-lived TCP connection
- The connection will be duplex (TCP is)
HTTP-2 Proposals: connection multiplexing
HTTP-2: Technical details
- All assets can be sent over the same connection. No need to reconnect
- Server can push assets instead of waiting for client to ask
- Client can express preference for certain assets, and get them before others (stream prioritisation)
Connection multiplexing: possible impacts
- No need for any of the HTTP 1.1 optimisations - no need of asset-pipeline
- No need of Websockets (
HTTP-2: Technical details
- Header compression will some some bandwidth. Little from developer point of view, more as a big picture
- Binary encoding will also make transport efficient. Developers will need more tools for debugging (like Wireshark)
Compression and encoding
- No need for any of the HTTP 1.1 optimisations - no need of asset-pipeline
- No need of Websockets
HTTP-2: Technical details
- Spec doesn't require HTTPS, but implementations do.
- All major browsers require TLS mandatorily with HTTP-2
Impacts: HTTPS
HTTP-2: Today
- Implemented by all major browsers
- Except Android browser
HTTP-2: Today
- Implemented by almost all major browsers
- Implemented by Apache and Nginx
Supported by default on Cloudflare CDN (out assets are served with HTTP2)
- Server push also announced recently:
HTTP-2: Today
In Rails world
- Rack is not HTTP-2 compatible
- So no Rack based frameworks can use it
- Some experimental work has been done.
HTTP-2 experiments with Rack
Http-2: what we need to know
By Abhishek Yadav
Http-2: what we need to know
- 1,149