Testing fundamentals
Introduction to Rspec
The Fundamentals
The fundamentals: why test?
- Verification : Does this feature work?
- Spotting regression: Something broke something else
- Specification: The machine should work this way
- Documentation: Test describes how it should behave
Developer feedback:
- What I thought and what client wanted are different
- What I thought will not work
- Code design: Decoupling, cleaner interfaces, better OOP
The fundamentals: why test?
- Manual tests are the default solution to the problem
- Is also important, and unavoidable (UI/aesthetics)
- Easy to get started
- ManualTester.price < Developer.price (generally)
Manual Tests
Semi automated tests
- Partially automated, needs some human involvement.
- Record and playback / Export and compare
- Not as repeatable as fully automated tests
The fundamentals: who writes the tests?
The developer
Testers/QA should write tests is an outdated idea, not practiced in Ruby world
The fundamentals: when to start?
When to start testing
As early as possible
- No tests are fine for very few situations, like prototype level or experimental projects
When to absolutely start testing
When the following signs show-up:
Implementation slowness
Poor quality in general
Developer stress
The fundamentals: TDD
Test first, then code
- Needs specifications beforehand, as examples
- Ideal when specs are available (requirements)
- Leads to good design of code
- This talk/workshop is not about TDD
- This may be a stepping stone towards TDD
The fundamentals: Test environment
Rails comes with a test environment.
The idea is: the database should be separate
And some settings/config/gems should also be separate
Test scripts are programs written as part of the same code base
The scripts are executed using a test runner
Test scripts contain a bunch of test-cases
Every test-case undergoes a setup and a teardown phase
Data creation/setup needed for the test-case happens in the setup-phase
Teardown is for cleanup, deletes all data created by the test
(Ideally) each test-case runs in complete isolation, and should not be dependent on any other tests
The fundamentals: Minitest and RSpec
Rails ships with the MiniTest test framework. RSpec is a popular alternative
All Rails project get MiniTest by default, and can be replaced with RSpec
The default data creation technique in Rails is fixtures, while the popular one is factories.
The difference has been a subject of much debate
We will cover RSpec for this workshop. Switching between the two is not very difficult after knowing the fundamentals
The fundamentals: TDD controversy
There is also a debate over whether TDD is the correct way to approach software development
Rails creator David H Hansen has written articles opposing, and there have been several in-depth arguments from both sides
It is worth looking into the entire discussion before arriving at a decision
RSpec Introduction
Rspec introduction
- It is a test framework and a test runner
- We write test-cases using Rspec recommended syntax
- For verification, we use Rspec provided assertion methods
- We create data on our own (or using factories or fixtures) – Rspec has no involvement there
- RSpec gives a mocking framework too
Rspec introduction: the test case
## Code under test:
def add(a, b)
a + b
## The test
RSpec.describe 'add' do ## mention what is being tested
it 'should give 5 for 2 and 3' do ## The test case
c = add(2, 3) ## Invoke the code
expect(c).to eq(5) ## Verify the result
Rspec introduction: primary syntax
- There are many more methods and concepts, but this is enough to get started
Holds the test case
The assertion statement. Does the verification
Wraps the test cases, and declares what is being tested
Rspec introduction: running the tests
- Just one necessity: code under test should be loaded (require) before the describe block starts
The commend to run the test:
- rspec test_file.rb
Rspec Introduction: samples-1
- The above code can be placed in a file, and be run using the rpsec command.
- Will work if rspec gem is installed
## Tautology
require 'rspec'
RSpec.describe 'the truth' do
it 'should be true' do
expect(true).to eq(true)
it 'should not be false' do
expect(true).to_not eq(false)
## rspec sample1.rb
Rspec Introduction: samples-2
## Addition
def add(a, b)
a + b
## The test
require 'rspec'
RSpec.describe 'add' do
it 'should give 5 for 2 and 3' do
c = add(2, 3)
expect(c).to eq(5)
## rspec sample2.rb
Rspec Introduction: samples-3
## prime_number.rb
class PrimeNumber
def self.is_it?(num)
(2...num).each { |x| return false if num % x == 0 }
## prime_number_spec.rb
require 'rspec'
require File.expand_path('../prime_number.rb', __FILE__)
RSpec.describe 'PrimeNumber' do
describe 'is_it?' do
it 'should be true for 5' do
expect(PrimeNumber.is_it?(5)).to eq(true)
it 'should be false for 77' do
expect(PrimeNumber.is_it?(77)).to eq(true)
RSpec: common conventions
- Test code is kept in the spec directory
- There is generally a spec_helper.rb file that loads the necessary code and any plugins or even configs
- The .rspec file contains some config too
Introduction to Rspec
By Abhishek Yadav
Introduction to Rspec
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