The Elm Talk

Abhishek Yadav


Co-organizer: Chennai.js


The agenda


  • The goal and the claims
  • Functional programming
  • Type system
  • The Ecosystem
  • Challenges


The goal and the claims


  • No run-time errors
  • Reactive UI



Elm is a typed, pure functional programming language that compiles to Javascript.


typed: values and functions have types. Various type concepts are supported - type checking, inferred types, generics, union types, algebraic data types. There are no typeclasses

functional: functional programming concepts are supported (anonymous functions, higher order functions, currying, immutability etc)

Compiles to Javascript: Implements a Virtual-dom, supports Redux-like pattern, and (kind of) components. Provides module system and build tooling.




Practically speaking ...

Typed: catch errors by compiling

Functional: no internal state. no mutables.

Compiles to Javascript: Run in browser, React+Redux+Webpack

No run time errors


What errors ?

The most common ones -

  • Undefined is not a function
  • NaN

We forgot to check for undefined/null values

We did math on a non-number

No run time errors


Type checking can help with both

-- total is a function that takes two Int values,
-- and produces an Int value

total: Int -> Int -> Int
total x y =
  x + y

-- This will fail compilation

total 2 "2"

No run time errors


And for empty values, it forces us to handle them

-- total is a function that takes two Int values,
-- and produces an Int value

showFirst: List a -> String
showFirst myList =
  case (List.head myList) of
    Just x ->
      toString x
    Nothing ->

-- 1. List.head gives a value of Maybe type
-- 2. Will fail compilation if we don't handle the Nothing case

The Elm Talk

By Abhishek Yadav

The Elm Talk

  • 926