Zap Anywhere
Progressive Web App
Our apps could do better.
Limited bandwidth & speed → Reliability & UX
Too many apps to install & update → Lead gen & adoption
What do I need to know right now? → Engagement
Consumers need to browse
Agents need to work
A PWA is a website that can:
- Work offline
- Prompt the user to add a launch icon to homescreen
- Launch from homescreen icon to fullscreen mode
- Receive push notifications
Reliability. Convenience. Speed.
Limited bandwidth & speed → Offline accessibility
Too many apps to install & update → Homescreen icon
What do I need to know right now? → Push notifications
Consumers can browse
Agents can work
Offline Demo
Add to Homescreen
Launch Preload Screen
Push notifications

What are push notifications?
• A message that pops up on the user's device
• Can be pushed from the server to the user even when the app isn't running
• Allow users to opt-in to timely updates & effectively re-engage users with customized content

Push notifications Demo
Now what?
Make PWAs part of our engagement strategy

These guys already have:
Drive adoption & engagement like crazy Pinterest
↑843% New signups
↑401% # of Pins seen
↑370% Logins
↑296% Session length
↑103% Weekly active users (mobile web)
295% more likely to save a Pin to a board
PWA stats from other companies:

Zap Anywhere
By Aaron Hans
Zap Anywhere
Progressive Web App - Zaplabs Hackathon Summer 2018
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