When to use it


  • Only when the functionality doc says so!
  • If time allows, propose adding it and get approval from PM.
  • Don't choose to use AJAX just because a design looks like it should have it.
  • Post filter UIs can be either:
    • An AJAX-powered filter to alter the current post list
    • or a static, simple category sub-navigation
    • Both are valid and have pros/cons



Every AJAX functionality must have the following:

  • A loading animation on page while AJAX is working
  • Visual feedback on "Load more" buttons or other trigger elements
  • A "no results" message if AJAX returns nothing
  • Caching!



When to use the REST API:

  • Anytime you need to get WP content and manipulate it with JavaScript (so… almost always)

When to use admin-ajax.php:

  • Anytime you need to involve WP user authentication





Custom post types

Pay attention when registering custom post types.

'has_archive' => false

Do you need single posts?

'publicly_queryable' => false

Do you need posts in search results?

'exclude_from_search' => true

Do you need an archive page?

Phantom Content

Use wp_redirect() for other things

if (is_tag()) {
    wp_redirect(home_url(), 301);

Do you need a taxonomy archive?

'public' => false

Rarely used templates

Phantom Content

  • Author pages
  • Media attachment pages
  • Comments
  • Tags

Removed/disabled in Skeletor:


Phantom Content

301 redirect /store homepage if not used


Custom Fields

Custom Fields UX

Use field instructions

  • Explain specific content requirements
  • Explain what content the field controls if not obvious
  • SEO tips like "Start headings at H2"
  • Anything else you think is necessary or helpful

Custom Fields UX

Use field instructions

Custom Fields UX

Use message fields

Custom Fields UX

Control the content

Does the content need specific formatting that's easy to screw up, like numerical data?​​

setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'en_US');
echo money_format('%.0n', get_field('price'));

Custom Fields UX

Use all field restrictions and customizations available

  • Repeaters
    • ​Restrict min/max number of rows
    • Change "Add Row" to something meaningful
    • Which of the 3 layouts (table, block, row) present the data best?
  • Images
    • ​Which preview size shows the image best?
  • Text Area
    • Should field automatically add <p> or <br> elements? Should you prevent any HTML rendering?

Custom Fields UX

Use ACF tabs

Make pages with many fields more easily digestible and understandable by sectioning out content with tabs.

Custom Fields UX

Field order should match frontend

  • Always keep the order of fields as close to the frontend's flow of content as possible.
  • Top to bottom, with sections going left to right (tabs)
  • Use "Seamless" layout style on field groups to prevent drag-and-drop reordering in editor

Custom Fields UX

Disable unused default WYSIWYGs

  • If the default WYSIWYG is not used, disable it.

'supports' => array('title', 'editor') // Remove 'editor' to disable WYSIWYG

Custom post type (register_post_type):

Native posts/pages or third-party post types:

Custom Fields UX

Use all field restrictions and customizations available

Just take your time when you create ANY field and maximize your field UI. It will help users:

  • Not screw up the site
  • Not have to ask us how a field works
  • Easily find the right field(s) they want to edit

Dev Meeting 10-25-2016

By Adam Walter

Dev Meeting 10-25-2016

  • 1,176