Persistent Identifiers & Open Scholarly Infrastructure

OpenCon Community Call

Mike Nason
Open Scholarship & Publishing Librarian @ UNB Libraries
Crossref & Metadata Liaison @ Public Knowledge Project (PKP)


Overview of persistent identifiers, open scholarly infrastructure, and what researchers need to know about them.

The talk will cover DOIs, ORCID, ROR, and other players/service providers in the PID space.


  1. What is a persistent identifier?
  2. What is a registration agency?
  3. What is open scholarly infrastructure?
  4. What PIDs should I care about?


I'm the open scholarship & publishing librarian (aka, I guess, "scholarly communications") at what, to most of you, would be a pretty small school in Atlantic Canada (University of New Brunswick).

I also work for PKP as a member of their publishing services team, where I am the Crossref/metadata liaison.


I stand at a pretty interesting professional intersection between publishing, authoring, and discovery.


That means I more or less never get to shut up about open scholarly infrastructure!

Like a lot of people who don't shut up, I look like this:

I am a [white, cis] settler from the unceded (aka, stolen) territory of the Mi'kmaq-Wolastoquey peoples just a short hop from the wolastoq river. Settlers to the region renamed this river the “Saint John River”, a testament to both their repression and lack of creativity.

Lots of people (even, to my perpetual dismay, many Canadians) do not know where New Brunswick is. It is up here, next to Maine. 


It is north of Nova Scotia and west of Prince Edward Island.

I'd like for you to keep a thought on the backburner.

pids are in the drinking water of scholarly publishing 

I'll come back to this. Like, a lot.

Let's start small.

The DOI...


DOIs are ubiquitous. We see them all over the place:

  • in references/bibliographies
  • on article/journal websites
  • in repositories
  • on published datasets
  • links on Bluesky or ResearchGate or Academia dot edu or, or, or...

In the wild

In the wild

In citations

Barr, S. M., White, C. E., & Pin, C. (2022). Revised stratigraphy in the eastern Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada, and variations in whole-rock chemical and Sm–Nd isotopic compositions of the Goldenville and Halifax groups. Atlantic Geoscience, 58, 193–213.


And, we probably know one handy thing about them:

If you click on a DOI that looks like a link, it will take you to the thing.


DOIs are the most prominent persistent identifier.


They are also, arguably, the most important persistent identifier.

DOIs work like this...

A DOI is made up of two chunks. A prefix, and a suffix.





Together, these make the DOI 10.4324/9780203051238-5

DOIs work like this...

Prefixes and suffixes mean different things.



A prefix is usually associated with a publisher or organization. DOIs for that organization will usually have the same prefix.




A suffix is meant to be a machine-readable (not human-readable), opaque, unique string that is specific to the singular work to which it is assigned (we'll talk more about this).

DOIs work like this...

Throughout this presentation, I'll be digging deep on this DOI.



This prefix is held by Crossref member, Atlantic Geoscience, a journal we host here at UNB Libraries... I'll talk more about this as we go.




You can see here that their suffixes follow a pattern, and you can probably guess that pattern. This is very common, despite being both unnecessary and discouraged.

DOIs work like this...

If I prepend a DOI with, it turns into a URL.


Clicking this will redirect me to the publication this DOI is associated with. The process of a DOI redirecting you to a publication is called resolution.

What is Resolution?

DOI resolution works like this...

DOIs aren't just like a link or tiny.url. If you're not familiar with these services, they will swap out a very large and unwieldy link so you can share something that isn't enormous.


For example:
This 👆 is a link for this talk.


The actual URL for this talk is: and tiny.url are both basic redirects.

DOI resolution works like this...

But, plenty of people treat DOIs this way, or assume it's their only real function. FUN FACT: DOIs are actually a kind of HANDLE, and this is specifically what a HANDLE does. A DOI does more than a HANDLE.


Or, they make some sort of wild assumption that DOIs are some sort of certification.

DOI resolution works like this...

A DOI, though, is a lot more than a redirect. A DOI is a reference to an entire publication record. That publication record is full of metadata.


And, one of these metadata elements is the publication's URL.


When you resolve a DOI by clicking on it:

  • the record is accessed,
  • the stored URL is retrieved,
  • you are sent to the stored URL.


The URL can be updated by the publisher. The DOI stays the same.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<crossref_result version="3.0" xsi:schemaLocation="">
      <query status="resolved">
        <doi type="book_content">10.4324/9780203051238-5</doi>
        <crm-item name="publisher-name" type="string">Informa UK Limited</crm-item>
        <crm-item name="prefix-name" type="string">Informa UK (Routledge)</crm-item>
        <crm-item name="member-id" type="number">301</crm-item>
        <crm-item name="citation-id" type="number">122425695</crm-item>
        <crm-item name="book-id" type="number">1477192</crm-item>
        <crm-item name="deposit-timestamp" type="number">2020122110554080199</crm-item>
        <crm-item name="owner-prefix" type="string">10.4324</crm-item>
        <crm-item name="last-update" type="date">2020-12-21T15:07:00Z</crm-item>
        <crm-item name="created" type="date">2020-12-21T15:06:59Z</crm-item>
        <crm-item name="citedby-count" type="number">0</crm-item>
          <crossref xsi:schemaLocation="">
            <book book_type="other">
              <book_metadata language="en">
                  <person_name sequence="first" contributor_role="author">
                  <subtitle>A Cataloger's Primer</subtitle>
                <publication_date media_type="online">
                <isbn media_type="electronic">9780203051238</isbn>
              <content_item component_type="chapter" publication_type="full_text" language="en">
                  <title>Understanding Metadata and Metadata Schemes</title>

I'm sorry to do this to you.


There's a lot of information here:


deposit and update timestamp
book type
contributors (first, role=author)
title and subtitle
publication date
doi for the book
link for the book
chapter title
doi for the chapter
link for the chapter

<content_item component_type="chapter" publication_type="full_text" language="en">
    <title>Understanding Metadata and Metadata Schemes</title>

<!-- urls are part of the metadata of a doi. -->
<!-- when you change the location of content, you update your doi with the new location. everyone who uses the doi gets to the content no matter where you put it, so long as that doi is updated. this means, the doi is persistent.-->


It is.

Surely, there is more to it?


Yeah, buddy!

Let's review

  • DOIs are persistent identifiers.
  • They are made up of prefixes and suffixes, each with their own meaning.
  • Clicking on a DOI that is formatted as a URL will take me to the URL stored in that DOI's metadata record.
  • A DOIs metadata record has heaps of information.
  • DOIs are not just redirecting links.

Congratulations, you now know more about DOIs than a frankly surprising number of people.


And, by extension, you now know more about PIDs than a frankly surprising number of people.

Let's step back a bit to talk about persistent identifiers in general.

Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)

An identifier // A unique string of characters assigned to something, someplace, or someone that can be used to identify it.


Persistent // Long-lasting.

DOIs are identifiers!

DOI is an acronym for:



DOIs are used for articles, datasets, issues, journals, galleys, preprints, theses, proceedings, monographs, reports, standards... "publications", basically (they can be used on basically, anything though).


An identifier is a unique string of characters assigned to something, someplace, or someone that can be used to identify it:


  • social insurance number,
  • driver's license number,
  • medicare number,
  • license plate number,
  • student number.


We are assigned identifiers all the time. We (ideally) carry "ID".


Identifiers typically refer to physical objects and are often created/managed locally. They're useful for record-keeping and data retrieval/searchability. They're useful for disambiguation, too!


  • UNB student ID is only a useful label for UNB students.
  • Social insurance numbers are provided federally.
  • Medicare numbers are provided provincially.
  • A license plate is only a label for a current, registered car.


There is more than one Mike Nason in Canada, but only one of them has my social insurance number (I hope).

PIDs, obviously, share the same benefits. A DOI is good for disambiguation, data retrieval, searchability in the same way that a social insurance number is. Like if, uhh, every article published had its own little tiny registration with a government.


We've scratched the surface a bit on what a DOI does, but URL storage and redirection is just one benefit for one kind of PID.


Ok, so...

what about persistence?

Persistent identifiers

Persistent identifiers most frequently refer to digital things. Traditionally, we share or locate digital things using a link (a URL).


URL // uniform resource locator


We know that urls break all the time, for lots of different reasons.

Persistent identifiers

A URL can tell you where something was when you read it (or, when you cited it). If you bookmark that URL or put it in print, you're assuming that link will still work later. This is not guaranteed!


But, as we discussed earlier, using DOIs I can update the location if the content moves. I can provide a persistent link to a record that contains a URL. As long as someone has the DOI, and the work registered metadata is up-to-date, I can get to the content.


The ID is persistent. Where it directs me may change.
A DOI is persistent. Where the DOI resolves may change.

An example

Imagine finding the citation for this work in a bibliography... which of these two will be more useful if the content moves from the website it is currently on?


Smiraglia, R. (2005). Metadata: A Cataloger's Primer (1st ed.). Routledge.


Smiraglia, R. (2005). Metadata: A Cataloger's Primer (1st ed.). Routledge.

If I move my journal to a new web domain, I don't want every citation that exists to have an old URL.

Instead, the DOI works as a stand-in that, if updated, will not only resolve to the new location but also contain all its metadata.

So long as the service persists, any item with a DOI should be locatable.

What about PIDs

for things that aren't publications?



ORCiD stands for "Open Researcher and Contributor ID"


ORCiD is also the name of the not-for-profit organization that provides ORCiD IDs, maintains the service, and develops the website and API.

If you're the kind of person who is bothered when people say "pin number", you'll hate ORCiD. No one says "ORC IDs".

Ok, what is an ORCiD?

To which my partner would definitely reply, "not much, what's an ORCiD with you?".


ORCiD IDs are another kind of persistent identifier.


First and foremost, ORCiD IDs help consistently and properly identify the authors of works, no matter what their name is, was, or will be.

Nearly every publisher can take an ORCiD ID as metadata associated with a publication.


And! ORCiDs are included as metadata in DOIs! This means your identity in publication metadata can be unambiguous.

For example...

I might write my own name as:

  • Mike Nason
  • Michael Nason
  • Michael Thomas William Nason
  • M. Nason
  • mnason
  • ahemnason


And! There may be more than one of any of these! The more variations and folks with the same name there are, the harder it is to find the stuff I've done. A PID for people would make attribution and discovery easier.

This for sure is not me.

Indulge me for a second and think about some rules we might assume about names. For example, many folks would be likely to assume that everyone has a "first name" and a "last name".


Are those presumptions accurate?

Here's some presumptions!

  • People have exactly one canonical full name.
  • People have exactly one full name which they go by.
  • People’s names fit within a certain defined amount of space.
  • People’s names do not change.
  • People’s names change, but only at a certain enumerated set of events.
  • People’s names are written in ASCII.
  • People’s names are written in any single character set.
  • People’s names are case-sensitive.
  • People’s names are case-insensitive.
  • People’s names sometimes have prefixes or suffixes, but you can safely ignore those.
McKenzie, P. (n.d.). Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names | Kalzumeus Software. Retrieved February 13, 2024, from

Here's even more presumptions!

  • People’s names are globally unique.
  • People’s names are almost globally unique.
  • Alright alright but surely people’s names are diverse enough such that no million people share the same name.
  • My system will never have to deal with names from China.
  • Or Japan. Or Korea.
  • Two different systems containing data about the same person will use the same name for that person.
  • Two different data entry operators, given a person’s name, will by necessity enter bitwise equivalent strings on any single system, if the system is well-designed.
McKenzie, P. (n.d.). Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names | Kalzumeus Software. Retrieved February 13, 2024, from

Names are cool and all. But they're not super useful to identify someone in a crowd. When I went to high school, people would yell, "hey, Mike", and no less than 8 guys would turn around.


And this is with a name that, broadly, fits western naming conventions that match expectations by major publishers.


And, Mike Nason is a pretty straightforward name!

Now, imagine my name was:
Alejandro Casas Niño de Rivera

  • Mike Nason
  • Michael Nason
  • Michael Thomas William Nason
  • M. Nason
  • mnason
  • ahemnason


If information about me changes, my ORCiD will still be the same. It doesn't matter where I work, how my identity might change, what differences exist culturally in the places I might publish...


Think of an ORCiD as a more feature-rich version of a "student ID" but for your entire academic career.

ORCiD also provides users with what's known as an ORCiD profile. These function as a sort of online CV where your employment, education, funding, works, and service are listed.


When you hear someone talk about a scholar profile or a researcher profile, they are probably talking about either ORCiD, Scopus ID, Researcher ID, or Google Scholar (but they might be talking about something else entirely).


We're going to come back to ORCiD in a bit, but while we're here I'll provide some links to a few other talks I've done about this.


UNB Libraries Research Booster 1

video | deck


(bonus) CRKN PIDs Series: Object Identifiers: Use Cases for Librarians and Data Professionals

video | deck

And so...

Persistent identifiers

PIDs make things easier to find, track, share, and access!

If my ORCiD ID is present as metadata in the DOIs of the work I publish, I can pull my publication record easily and add it to my ORCiD profile.

If my articles have DOIs, I can provide persistent links to their most recent location, which will ensure ease of access and citation.

If a funding agency can pull metadata from my ORCiD profile, they can acquire all of my publication metadata without me having to fill out a pile of forms.

Persistent identifiers

PIDs are unique, unchanging, identifiers representing objects (digital or otherwise) that can direct a user, unambiguously, to that object's current location or status, and provide additional information/metadata.


But, a PID cannot just do this unilaterally.

No PID is an island!

PIDs require a third party...

Often, folks use the phrase "minting a DOI" to describe the assignment of a DOI to a work. I see this a lot; a journal editor might say to me, "I made all these DOIs, but they don't work! I just get an error!"


A publisher can "mint" PIDs and provide them to you, but they need a third party to be at all useful.


To work, a PID needs to be registered with a PID registration agency.

What is a registration agency?

Registration agencies...

Persistent identifiers are managed by registration agencies (typically international not-for-profits) that store records/metadata, facilitate resolution requests, and may or may not offer other services based on membership. They do much of this through APIs.


There are a lot of registration agencies!

Registration agencies

It's important to know that registration agencies differ in mandate, governance, scope, service, supported objects, membership terms, and feature set.


They also, often, work together and share data.

Let's review the field!

PIDs for scholarly works

Crossref (DOI)


Most scholarly publishers are Crossref members. At the time I wrote this (Dec 9th, 2024), Crossref had 162,099,778 DOIs registered with their service.


Crossref are a big deal.

funding agencies

PIDs for scholarly works

Datacite (DOI)

While some scholarly publishers use Datacite for article DOIs, it is much more commonly used in data/institutional/disciplinary repositories. DataCite and Crossref work together to connect research data to publications.


PIDs for researchers

Scopus ID
WoS Researcher ID


ORCiD are the go-to here, with Scopus and WoS offerings both restricted to publications present on those platforms. However, these services can share data between them.


PIDs for organizations



There are good odds you'll never need to know what the ROR ID for UNB is. The predominant use-case for organizational IDs is in strengthening connections between records and institutions.


A quick example re: ROR

We would write UNB as:

  • UNB
  • University of New Brunswick
  • UNB Fredericton
  • University of New Brunswick Saint John

Registration agencies

Registration agencies provide metadata schema through which users can describe the objects they are registering PIDs for.


As you can imagine, you'd describe a person differently than you'd describe a dataset, or a journal article, or an organization. Even when agencies use the same type of PID (like the DOI), the schema they use may vary.

For example:

Let's look at the registered metadata (in XML format) for a DOI:

<crossref_result version="3.0" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<query status="resolved">
<doi type="journal_article">10.4138/atlgeo.2022.008</doi>
<crm-item name="publisher-name" type="string">University of New Brunswick Libraries - UNB</crm-item>
<crm-item name="prefix-name" type="string">Atlantic Geology</crm-item>
<crm-item name="member-id" type="number">12607</crm-item>
<crm-item name="citation-id" type="number">140103075</crm-item>
<crm-item name="journal-id" type="number">466310</crm-item>
<crm-item name="deposit-timestamp" type="number">1661345059</crm-item>
<crm-item name="owner-prefix" type="string">10.4138</crm-item>
<crm-item name="last-update" type="date">2022-08-24T12:44:54Z</crm-item>
<crm-item name="created" type="date">2022-08-24T12:44:21Z</crm-item>
<crm-item name="citedby-count" type="number">5</crm-item>
<crossref xsi:schemaLocation="">
<full_title>Atlantic Geoscience</full_title>
<issn media_type="electronic">2564-2987</issn>
<publication_date media_type="online">
<journal_article publication_type="full_text" metadata_distribution_opts="any">
Revised stratigraphy in the eastern Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada, and variations in whole-rock chemical and Sm–Nd isotopic compositions of the Goldenville and Halifax groups
<person_name contributor_role="author" sequence="first" language="en">
<given_name>Sandra M.</given_name>
<name language="fr">
<given_name>Sandra M.</given_name>
<person_name contributor_role="author" sequence="additional" language="en">
<given_name>Chris E.</given_name>
<name language="fr">
<given_name>Chris E.</given_name>
<person_name contributor_role="author" sequence="additional" language="en">
<name language="fr">
As a result of new geological mapping, the Goldenville and Halifax groups in the eastern Meguma terrane have been divided into formations. They have a total stratigraphic thickness of about 7750 m and correspond to only the upper half of the Goldenville Group and lower half of the Halifax Group in the northwestern and southeastern areas of the terrane. The revised stratigraphy combined with compiled and new whole-rock major and trace element and Sm–Nd isotopic analyses enable more detailed documentation of the chemical changes with stratigraphy that were demonstrated in previous studies. Based on chemical compositions, the protolith compositions of the analysed samples range from lithic arenite to wacke to shale. Major and trace element characteristics are consistent with deposition in an active continental margin, basins associated with island arcs, or most likely at a passive continental margin with volcanic rocks in the source area. Chemical compositions show a scattered but overall increasing abundance of lithophile elements such as La and Th with stratigraphic position. Epsilon Nd(t) values become increasingly negative up-section, and depleted mantle model ages become increasingly older. The data are consistent with increased mixing between sediments  derived from Mesoproterozoic upper crustal sources and sediments derived from a magmatic arc. These data are consistent with published detrital zircon patterns which show increasing amounts of ca. 2 Ga zircon with decreasing age, and with a source area comprising a Pan-African (800–540 Ma) volcanic arc and/or active margin magmatism and mainly Eburnean crust, most likely in the West African craton.
<publication_date media_type="online">
<fr:program name="fundref"/>
<collection property="crawler-based">
<item crawler="iParadigms">
<collection property="text-mining">
<resource mime_type="application/pdf">
<resource mime_type="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet">
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Metadata is hugely useful

Unlike publications themselves, metadata is typically free. And, we can learn a lot from it. Crossref, for example, can store the following things as publicly accessible metadata:

copyright license

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Crossref makes this metadata available through a public API.

More examplin'

Let's look at the same registered metadata (in JSON format) for a DOI using the Crossref public API: 10.4138/atlgeo.2022.008

More examplin'

Similarly, we can also look at the title level metadata and information (in JSON format) using the Crossref public API: 10.4138

And for kicks...

Here's some other potential queries with that same API.

Is it time for you to tell me what an API is?


API stands for



An API is, basically, a set of rules for interacting with software.


Think of it as being a little like a translator working as an intermediary between two people who don't speak the same language


APIs are everywhere. When my calendar app tells me today's forecast, it's accessing that information using the Accuweather API. When my watch vibrates because I got a text message, that's because Garmin's API is communicating with Apple's notifications API.


APIs are how disparate systems, built by different people, using different languages and definitions, find common ground and share information.


This network of APIs is like a municipal water system (get it?). It is, increasingly, infrastructure relied upon by researchers and institutions whether or not they are really aware of it.


When I'm talking about "open scholarly infrastructure" this is what I mean. A network of open APIs with free/open metadata and metrics, capable of delivering information, metrics, context, and content.


Almost all open scholarly infrastructure is based around APIs.

Open scholarly infrastructure!

Open scholarly infrastructure... a network of scholarly-research-focused open-source platforms, service providers, and APIs that work in concert to share data, illuminate relationships, and make research more discoverable.

Example one // ORCiD

I am setting up my ORCiD account.

Let's pretend:

Example one // ORCiD

Within ORCiD, I can check against the Crossref and DataCite APIs for any publications matching my name.

I want to add my publications!

Example one // ORCiD

It will take me a while to do this the first time, and it’ll only work if my articles have DOIs.

Most publications register dois

Example one // ORCiD

for all my publications I know are mine (and have DOIs) the metadata is automatically pulled into my ORCiD account.


ORCiD pulls that metadata from the Crossref API.



Example one // ORCiD

now that I have an ORCiD, that metadata (ideally) is included in the DOI when I publish.

Crossref will say to ORCiD, "we know this work belongs to this scholar because their ORCiD is in the metadata. We'll just push this new publication to their record automatically."


Example two // Funders and ORCiD

I've applied for funding from an agency that has an ORCiD account or integration.

Let’s pretend:

Example two // Funders and ORCiD

funding id
grant id

That agency can push new data to my ORCiD account.


Example two // Funders and ORCiD

the next time I apply for funding, I just push my ORCiD to the agency, and they can pull my work without me filling out the same form again.

And, ideally...

Open scholarly infrastructure ties the room together!

CRIS systems
Google Scholar
Share Your Paper
OA Works

Open scholarly infrastructure

Currently, without the Crossref API, all of these examples kind of fall apart. They may no longer be a single point of failure, but metadata from DOIs at the point of publication is still essential.

Publications that aren’t using DOIs are, essentially, “off the grid.”

The absence of these connections results in a lot of folks entering the same metadata into systems, over and over, by hand. Or, hiring graduate students to do this for them.


That's an excellent use of everyone's time, definitely.


Persistent identifiers

In concert with open scholarly infrastructure, PIDs allow us to see the big picture through these connections and interactions. It can expose relationships between data and research or institutions and outcomes. It can make research outcomes more discoverable.  


When we talk about PIDs, we’re talking about supporting open infrastructure and free exchange of metadata.

A word, though, on metadata

The metadata we get out of these systems, and its utility, is very much dependent on its quality.


We have a general expression in the metadata universe. that's "garbage in, garbage out."


Metadata is kind of everyone's responsibility. Researchers, librarians, publishers, registration agencies... everyone has a stake in accurate, usable metadata.


Metadata is a very complicated topic I could talk about for twice the length of this talk. Any time! Let me know! I'll do it.

I understand that this is a lot to take in.

What I'm hoping you'll come away with today is a little perspective.

PIDs aren't

  • just links to things
  • academic
  • status symbols
  • permanent
  • magic

PIDs are

  • potentially huge time savers
  • useful for finding research
  • interconnected between services
  • the backbone of open scholarly infrastructure

Bonus Round 🎉

Talking about talking about persistent identifiers. 

Forgive me...

for being presumptive, but there is a general expectation that you want people to see the products of your hard work.

You want your work to be known and discoverable; accessible to the folks who might benefit from it.


I would think (hope).


And, you'd probably like it to be attributed to you, since you did the work and also since the implications of its value will have some impact on your career or the career of your authors.

It's possible...

this may seem weird because, depending on where you are in your career, you are maybe not used to doing this.

After all, most of the experience of dissemination as a student (for example) is submitting papers to one person who grades them.


It is certainly fine if this is the case. It's very normal. Fun fact, plenty of established researchers don't really think too hard about where and how their work is shared, either.

For students, this is what "disseminating your research" mostly looks like.

Submitting your work as a  modern academic kicks off an enormous Rube Goldberg machine of scholarly publishing infrastructure. We're talking data, articles, preprints, presentations, proceedings, and countless other things.

Your work is going to end up in a lot of places, often without you even really being aware of it. 

Where do the products of research go?

The perception

I suspect a lot of folks don't really think too much about how publishing works. Generally, we know a few things happen.


Let's say I'm talking to researchers.

  • you submit articles to a journal
  • articles undergo peer review
  • works are published
  • the people who want to read those works can read them
  • things will get cited
  • number of citations is very important
  • number of citations is directly correlated with where you publish
  • OA might be required, somehow

The perception

This isn't wrong, per se, but it's definitely not the whole story.

  • you submit articles to a journal
  • articles undergo peer review
  • works are published
  • the people who want to read those works can read them
  • things will get cited
  • number of citations is very important
  • number of citations is directly correlated with where you publish
  • OA might be required, somehow






ir datacite




The reality

Publishing is more iterative (and tied to a wider range of accessible outputs) than it's ever been.

  • submission still happens, but users might post their work on a preprint server before peer review
  • a funder mandate might require open access or, at least, an open access version of the work
  • if you're publishing in a major subscription journal, lots of people cannot read your work
  • data management might require publication of a data set


ir datacite



ir crossref

ir handle





ir datacite









If you jam, "Editors, The" into a name field for something that does not have an actual author, guess where that will end up?

If you manage a journal, you are standing at the nozzle of a metadata firehose.

This is important stuff for both journals and authors.

Authors will know what they worked on, for example, but people (researchers, funders) looking for their work might not.

Maybe they share a name with another researcher and their results are always co-mingled. Or, their field only uses first name initials in author metadata.  

Or, maybe they changed their name, and it's painful or unpleasant that all their old publications require others to know it.  

Unless your name is wildly unique, I'm here to tell you that accurate, reliable attribution can definitely be a problem. 

Citation styles like APA are not equipped to deal with the varieties in both human identity and how modern research is shared. 

Even this required a student id number.

All researchers need to promote the work they've done. Often. Repeatedly. And, all researchers benefit from clear, unambiguous attribution.

Persistent identifiers – and the connections they expose – aid dramatically the discovery, dissemination, and attribution of all these disparate products of research.

I cannot believe you are still talking.

This has been, frankly, an astounding amount of content. I'd like to congratulate you for enduring it.

Please remember that PIDs are definitely worth the effort and, once they're set up, more or less handle themselves.

I would love to answer questions if we have time, but I assume as I'm writing this that we are definitely over time.

It's ok! I am comfortable with myself, please refer to this deck whenever you need to!


OpenCon || Getting Found, Staying Found: Persistent Identifiers & Their Value

By Mike Nason

OpenCon || Getting Found, Staying Found: Persistent Identifiers & Their Value

Persistent Identifiers, commonly referred to as PIDs, play a pivotal role in fostering trust within scholarly publications while concurrently enhancing publication discoverability and accessibility. Join this session to learn about the multifaceted value of PIDs at different levels, including authors, articles, and journals.

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