Under the Microscope
- Making Fake Polygons
- Circle Packenings... not!
BugsFeatures! - Buffer Shenanigans
- Final Touches
~ A wondrous tiny world. A universe in miniature. ~
To Deform a Circle 1
Drawing a circle
// Placing 50 points
// around the circumference of a circle
for(let a = 0; a < TAU; a+=TAU/50){
let x = 200 + 100 * cos(a)
let y = 200 + 100 * sin(a)
vertex(x, y)
To Deform a Circle 2
Deforming with Perlin Noise
for(let a = 0; a < TAU; a+=TAU/50){
let x = 200 + 100 * cos(a)
let y = 200 + 100 * sin(a)
let noi = map(noise(x * 0.02, y * 0.02),0,1,-10,10)
vertex(x+noi, y-noi)
To Deform a Circle 3
Deforming with a Sine
// Placing 50 points
// around the circumference of a circle
for(let a = 0; a < TAU; a+=TAU/50){
let x = 200 + 100 * cos(a)
let y = 200 + 100 * sin(a)
let mod = sin(y*0.01+a) * 10
vertex(x+mod, y-mod)
Not a new Idea
Something back from 2022
Domain Warping
They see me warpin, they hatin
1. Displacing vertices with noise
2. Modulating one noise with another
Periodic Function
- Visually more interesting than perfect circles
- Everyone loves blobs
- ...
- Profit?
Cranking It
Domain Warping
(Broken) Circle Packing
Actually had to go back and read my code to figure out what I was doing
The Usual Approach
for(let n = 0; n < numAttempts; n++){
let randX = random(PAD, 800 - PAD)
let randY = random(PAD, 800 - PAD)
let randR = random(5, 50)
let placeable = true
for(let i = 0; i < circles.length; i++){
let otherC = circles[i]
let d = dist(
otherC.x, otherC.y,
randX, randY
if(d < otherC.rad + randR + 5){
placeable = false
{x: randX, y: randY, rad: randR}
In this Case...
- Fake Circles -> Polygons
- Checking for Intersections -> Segment Intersection
- Is one shape contained within another?
Why are shapes overlapping?
Making Circles Overlap
Fake... fake Circles
What's actually going on under the hood
If we don't cheat
Biootifullll! (But takes forever)
No Idea what's going on here but also looks kinda cool
Buffer Shenanigans
aka More is More
buff1 = createGraphics(WID, HEI)
buff2 = createGraphics(WID, HEI)
See Through Effect
- Draw first packing on buff 1
- Draw second packing on buff 2 + clip the first buffer as an image
Buff 1
Buff 2
Buff 1+2
Earlier Iterations of this Idea
Cool Effect
Transparent fills on some of the see through circles - kind of like membranes.
Little dashed lines around the circumference of the blobs.
Is this where I shill my NFTs?
Under the Microscope
By Ahmad Moussa
Under the Microscope
- 94