6 Object Oriented Design Principles

Presentation built from:

  1. Head First Design Patterns, Bert Bates et al, 2009
  2. The Pragmatic Programmer, Andrew Hunt, 1999,
  3. Principles of OOD, Robert C. Martin, 2003 (SOLID Principles)

...to improve code architecture and higher-level code structure

6 Object Oriented Design Principles Presentation built from: Head First Design Patterns , Bert Bates et al, 2009 The Pragmatic Programmer, Andrew Hunt, 1999, Principles of OOD , Robert C. Martin, 2003 (SOLID Principles) ...to improve code architecture and higher-level code structure www.awinkler.me

6 Code Design Principles

By Alexander W. Winkler

6 Code Design Principles

to improve object oriented code architecture and high-level structure.

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