Masonry & Infinite scroll

What's the dilly-o?


Pinterest-like grid layout modules


  • Acronym for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML"
  • works in the background 

Infinite Scroll

When you reach the end of the page, more content appears

How does Infinite Scroll work in Drupal?

Let's get to work!

  1. Create a block to hold paged content
  2. Generate a paged content array to return as block content
  3. Apply Masonry to the paged content block
  4. Apply Infinite Scroll to the paged content block
  5. Create an Infinite Scroll trigger

Paged EntityFieldQuery

Applying Masonry

Applying Masonry...again

Using Autopager

Define Autopager Handler

Trigger Autopager

Masonry & Infinite Scroll

By Alex Ellison

Masonry & Infinite Scroll

  • 1,414