Evolving patterns in react

Alex Moldovan


Engineering Manager @ Fortech

Co-Founder @ JSHeroes


An overview of today

  • Advanced Component Design
  • Stateless vs Pure Components
  • Having Fun with Props
  • Reusing and Composing in React
    • Higher Order Components
    • RenderProps
  • Provider Consumer Pattern

React Recap

props / state

lifecycle hooks

jsx is just code

Advanced component design

"Advanced" component design


conditional rendering

class properties

curried event handlers

stateless component

Pure component

having fun with props

destructuring props

children props

pass-through props

hidden props



higher order components

render props

Provider pattern

React context

new 16.3 api

Thank you! Questions?

Alex Moldovan


Engineering Manager @ Fortech

Co-Founder @ JSHeroes


Evolving Patterns in React

By Alex Moldovan

Evolving Patterns in React

  • 867