• JSHeroes 2024

  • Lessons for building resilient codebases

  • Stop writing CSS like it's 2014

  • The ethical choice

  • JSHeroes 2023

  • A framework for managing technical debt

  • Modern CSS for JS Developers

  • Fighting Technical Debt With Continuous Refactoring - 2022

  • Outro JSHeroes 2022

  • Intro JSHeroes 2022

  • My love-hate relationship with hooks

  • 2030: A Web Odyssey

  • The Human Side of Accessibility - 2020

  • The Human Side of Accessibility

    Presented at Voxxed Days Cluj in Oct 2019

  • Done in 0.0166666666 seconds

    Presented at revo.js in Oct 2019

  • 2030: A Web Odyssey

    Presented at Codecamp Cluj Nov 2020

  • Tech Speaking - Delivery

  • Tech Speaking - Preparation

  • Tech Speaking - Speaking

  • Tech Speaking - Slides

  • Tech Speaking - Structure

  • The Human Side of Accessibility - VoxxedFrontend

  • The Human Side of Accessibility - JSHeroes

  • Outro JSHeroes 2019

  • Intro JSHeroes 2019

  • Optimizing the Critical Rendering Path

  • The Modern Struggle of Web Development

  • Stay away from my path! - ReactiveConf 2018

  • We need to talk about GraphQL - ITCamp 2018

  • Game of Performance - ITCamp 2018

  • Game of Performance - Infoshare 2018

  • The Quest for Best Practices

  • Evolving Patterns in React

  • End of day 2

  • End of day 1

  • W

  • We need to talk about GraphQL - DevTalks Cluj 2018

  • Game of Performance - Codecamp 2017

  • JS Heroes 2017 - Is JavaScript making you a better professional?

  • DevTalks Cluj 2017 - Taking React to the Next Level

  • We speak js 2016 - React Beyond a TodoApp

  • 10 steps to bootstrap your career

  • ITCamp 2016 - Component Based UI Architecture

  • Dev Talks 2016

  • Hello.js 2016 - Re-architecting the client with Flux

    Deck for hello.js conference