
iOS Platform Development Introduction

Day 4

Last time in iOS100...

We further explored:

  • Objective-C Review
    • Objects
    • Using Instances
    • Creating Objects
    • Sending Messages


  • Created a command line tool
  • Created and populate arrays with objects
  • Iterated though our arrays
  • Subclassed an Objective-C class (NSObject)
  • Overrode parent class methods
  • Implemented out own custom Initializers
  • Implement class and instance methods
  • Implemented properties for our instance varables


What is the difference between the following two method calls?

// Create a variable that will point to an NSMutableArray Object... NSMutableArray *myParty;

 myParty = [NSMutableArray alloc];
 [myParty init];


Class vs Instance Methods

    • Instance Methods
      • Operates on a particular instance of a class
      • Invoked by sending a message to a specific instance of a class
      • Denoted by a "-" in the method declaration
    • Class Methods
      • Typically creates a new instance of the class or retrieves a global property of the class.
      • Invoked by sending a message to the class itself
      • Denoted by a "+" in the method declaration


What are two different ways we can iterate though an array?


  • Create a mutable party array object that contains the following:
    • Name
    • Location
    • Date

  • Output all of the values inside of the array 
    • Manually
    • Traditional for loop
    • Fast enumeration


What is overriding a method?


Override the description method of a class to return the string 

"I control you!"

Todays Agenda

  • Create a prime number calculator
    • Building user interfaces
      • Simple Controls
      • Interacting with controls from a class 
    • Error handling 

Prime Number Calculator

iOS100 - iOS Platform Development Introduction - Day 4

By Alex Rodriguez

iOS100 - iOS Platform Development Introduction - Day 4

Today we will learn about: Properties, Property Attributes, Modify randomItem to use properties, Create a prime number calculator, Error handling, Building user interfaces, Simple Controls, and Interacting with controls from a class

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