Fruited introduction to Array

in Javascript

Alex Girard


Number // 0, 1, .5

String // 'some text', "surrounded by quotes"

Boolean // true, false






/* List or collection of values grouped together */



    var fruits           = ['apple', 'orange', 'grappes', 'peach', 'apricot'];

    var examResults      = new Array(15, 12, 7, 16);

    var allocateForLater = new Array(10);

    var empty            = [];

    var mix              = ['Alex', 29, true, ['blue', 180, 76] ];

Accessing elements

    var fruits           = ['apple', 'orange', 'grappes', 'peach', 'apricot'];

    fruits[0] == 'apple' // true

    fruits[2] == 'grappes' // true

    fruits[5] == 'apricot' // false

    fruits.length // 5

    fruits.indexOf('apple') // 0

    fruits.indexOf('peach') // 3

    fruits.lastIndexOf('apple') // 0

 // Get last element of the array

    fruits[fruits.length-1] === 'apricot' // true

Loop through

    var fruits           = ['apple', 'orange', 'grappes', 'peach', 'apricot'];

    for(var i=0, l=fruits.length; i<l; ++i){
        console.log( fruits[i] ); //print the value at index i

Uber useful

    var fruits           = ['apple', 'orange', 'grappes', 'peach', 'apricot'];

    fruits.length === 5 // true
    fruits.push('cherry', 'beans');

    fruits.length === 7 // true

    // Oups


    fruits // ['apple', 'orange', 'grappes', 'peach', 'apricot', 'cherry']

Advanced juggling

    var fruits           = ['apple', 'orange', 'grappes', 'peach', 'apricot'];

    fruits.shift() // 'apple'

    fruits // ['orange', 'grappes', 'peach', 'apricot']

    // Explanation: pop the first element of the array

    fruits.splice(1, 1) // ['grappes']

    fruits // ['orange', 'peach', 'apricot']

    // Explanation: remove element(s) given a starting index, and a number of elements

    // end of course...

    fruits.slice(1, 3) // ['peach', 'apricot']

    // Explanation: take begin and end indexes, but exclude the last one of end.
    // Note that it doesn't mutate the array.


Fruited introduction to Array

By Alexandre Girard

Fruited introduction to Array

This slides present the array type in Javascript, and what methods we can apply on them. It is recommended to be familiar with the other javascript types, and have access to the Chrome console to test the given code.

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