Formation Rates and Evolution Histories of Magnetars

Pulsar Coffee


Almog Yalinewich

Introduction to Magnetars

Pulsar Magnetic Field

Consistent with flux conservation

B_{NS} < B_{WD,\max} \left(R_{WD}/R_{NS}\right)^2 \approx 5 \cdot 10^{13} G

Magnetar Magnetic Field

Turbulent dynamo

Heuristic for max field:

B_{\max} \approx \frac{M_{\odot}}{m_p} \frac{\mu_N}{R_{NS}^3} \approx 10^{16} \, \rm G

X Ray Luminosity

X ray luminosity





X ray luminosity powered by magnetic field decay

Giant Flares

Mini EMP from SGR 1806-20

on 21:30:26.5 UT, Dec 27, 2004

10^{46} \, \rm erg

10% of the magnetic energy


2700 pulsars vs. 23 magnetars

Competing theories

Rare progenitor theories

Superluminous supernovae

Fast spin

High initial magnetic field

Magnetar Evolution and Age Estimation

Supernova Association

Dynamical time

\tau_d \approx \frac{r}{v}

Upper limit on magnetar creation birth rate

1/100 \, \rm year

Spindown Age

\tau_{\Omega} = \left| \frac{P}{\left(n-1\right) \dot{P}} \right|

Demagnetisation Age

\tau_{B} \approx \left| \frac{B}{\dot{B}} \right|

can't be measured

Proxy: X ray luminsity

\tau_{\Omega} \approx \left| \frac{U_B}{L_X} \right|

Correction to spindown

B = B_0 \left(1+\frac{\alpha t}{\tau_B}\right)
\Omega = \Omega_0 \left[\frac{\left(n-1 \right ) \tau_B}{2 \left(\alpha -2\right) \tau_{\Omega}}\left(\left(1+\frac{\alpha t}{\tau_B}\right)-1\right)^{\frac{\alpha-2}{\alpha}} + 1 \right ]^{\frac{1}{1-n}}


Buried Magnetic Field?

B \approx B_0 \exp \left(-\frac{\left(t-t_e\right)^2}{2 \tau_B^2}\right)
\Omega = \Omega_0 \left(1+ \frac{\left(n-1\right) \tau_B \pi^{1/2}}{4 \tau_{\Omega}} \left({\rm erf} \left(\frac{t-t_e}{\tau_B}\right)+ {\rm erf} \left( \frac{t_e}{\tau_B} \right)\right)\right)^{\frac{1}{n-1}}

Buried Magnetic Field?

Evolutionary Track

Probability Distribution

Population Synthesis


  • Natal rotation rate 100Hz

  • Log uniform initial magnetic field 1e14-1e15 G

  • Extinction 1 Mag / kpc

  • Richter like distribution for giant flares

\frac{d N}{d E} \propto E^{-1.4}

P-Pdot curves



Flux vs. Numbers

Giant Flare distribution


Magnetar birth rate 2-20 per 1000 years

NS birth rate 17+/-2 per 1000 years

roughly 40% of NS start out as magnetars

1e46 erg giant flare every 200 years

Detectable by swift up to 100 Mpc, 5 every year

Galactic sample is close to complete

magnetar formation rate

By almog yalinewich

magnetar formation rate

  • 306