a review
Alvin Chan
- Introduction
- Target Domains
- Attacks
- Defenses
- Challenges & Discussion
Adversarial Attacks
stop sign
90 km/h
- Deep Learning models are still vulnerable to adversarial attacks despite new defenses
- Adversarial attacks can be imperceptible to human
Target Domains
- Computer Vision
- Natural Language Processing
- Malware
Computer Vision
- Mostly studied domain
- Continuous input space
- Compatible with gradient-based attacks
Computer Vision
Misclassification of image recognition
Face recognition
Object detection
Image segmentation
Reinforcement learning
Natural Language Processing
- Discrete input space
- Not directly compatible with gradient-based attacks
- Local search algorithm
- Reinforcement learning
Malware Detection
- Discrete input space
Genetic algorithm for evasive malicious PDF files
Local search in latent space of MalGan
Reinforcement Learning algorithm where evasion is considered as reward
- Direct gradient-based
- Search-based
Gradient-based Attacks
Mostly used in Computer Vision domain
Uses gradient of the target models to directly perturb pixel values
Gradient-based Attacks
Optimizing two components:
- Distance between the clean and adversarial input
- Label prediction of image
Gradient-based Attacks
White-box: Access to architecture & hyperparameters
Black-box: Access to target model’s prediction
Transfer attacks from single or an ensemble of substitute target models
Gradient-based Attacks
Trade-off between effectiveness & computational time
Gradient-based Attacks
Single-step or iterative
Successful gradient based approaches
Search-based Attacks
Evolutionary & genetic algorithm
PDF-Malware evasion
Image misclassification from noisy images
Local search algorithm
Comprehension task using greedy search
Malware evasion
Most defenses are in computer vision domain
Adversarial retraining
Regularization techniques
Certification & Guarantees
Network distillation
Adversarial detection
Input reconstruction
Ensemble of defenses
New model architecture
Adversarial Retraining
- Training on adversarial examples
- Attacks used affects
effectiveness - Ensemble adversarial training
Regularization Techniques
Regularize model’s confidence in prediction
Adversarial Logit Pairing
Certification & Guarantees
Guarantee of adversarial examples within input space
Direct methods are computationally intensive and limited in scope
Convex approximation as an upper bound
Other Techniques
Network distillation
Another model is trained on the prediction of a model
Overcome by stronger attacks
Adversarial Detection
Classifies adversarial images from ‘clean’ images
Overcome by including the detector into the attack’s objective function
Other Techniques
Input reconstruction
Scrub adversarial images ‘clean’
Overcome by attacks
Ensemble of defenses
Ensemble of models of the above defenses
Can be overcome if the underlying defense is weak
Uncertainty Modeling
Express degree of certainty:
“Know when they do not know”
Gaussian Process Hybrid Deep Neural Networks
Expresses latent variable as a Gaussian distribution parameters
New Model Architectures
“Capsule” network for image
New model architecture’s inductive bias
Challenges & Discussion
Definition of an adversarial example
Studies limited to Lp in images
No standard definition for discrete domains like NLP
Standard of robustness evaluation
Benchmarks like Cleverhans
Certification & guarantees
Challenges & Discussion
Ultimate robust model
Adversarial examples exist whenever there is classification error
Adversarial attacks and defenses in other domains
Other neural network architecture
Secure AI
By Alvin Chan
Secure AI
- 705