Version Control
Git and GitHub
Week 1
Day 2
Segment 1
Centralised and Distributed VCSs
- With the intent that there is One True Source
- All developers work (checkout) from that source, and then add (commit) their changes
Systems are designed with the intent that one repository is as good as any other, and that
merges from one repository to another are just another form of communication.
- Any semantic value as to which repository should be trusted is imposed from the outside by process, not by the software itself.
- init
- add
- commit
- remote
- pull
- push
- merge
- branch
- checkout
- status
- diff
- log
- rebase
Git commands ( with common flags )
- Forking and cloning and the difference between them.
- How to create repositories.
- What are README files?
- How to read other people's repositories.
- Why commit often and in a logically coherent units
- Difference between staging area, index area, and, working directory commit
- Conventions to follow during a commit
- Searching through a commit
- git log --author="Arfat Salman"
- git log --grep="db"
- What is an issue?
- Atomic PRs
- How to create an issue
- How to assign it to a member?
- How to create a Pull Request referencing that issue
- How to review a PR
Issues and Pull requests(Github)
Branch Naming Conventions
Different companies follow different conventions to name branch
1. <username>/feature/feature-name
2. Use specific terms:
- Feature: feature/feature-name
- Bugfix: bugfix/bugfix-name
- Hotfix: hotfix/hotfix-name etc.
3. [Feature]: feature-name
Git + GitHub (Week 1, Day 2, Segment 1)
By Amal Augustine
Git + GitHub (Week 1, Day 2, Segment 1)
- 185