Important Frontend Developer Tools

git clone

Amr Draz



  • we introduce a problem

  • we think about solutions if no one knows it

  • we talk about solutions

  • we practice/understand the latest solution through exercise

  • prompt questions

    • summarize what we learn (trying to remember makes it easier to remember later)

    • This is meant for you to remember and stay engaged (see book Make it stick)

Lazy/Productive Developer

Operational Tasks

  • Sometimes developers have to do work that is not fixing bugs or developing new features

    • deploy application

    • compress code

    • check you didn’t break anything

Productive Developers

Use Tools

A word on DX and Devops

  • Developer time is expensive so we want to make their job easier

  • DX and DevOps developers are concerned with that

    • Dev Ops is Development Operations (as opposed to Application Feature)

    • DX is Developer Experience (like User Experience) we create tools that reduce the cognitive load a developer has to deal with.

We will talk about

QA & Recall

  • How can Developer Tools be good for you?
  • What do Devops developers do?
  • Are you ready to get started?
git clone



  • JS developers only see sytax errors in the browser (at runtime)

  • We want to detect syntax errors early on

  • We want to enforce best practice


  • write a parser that detect "rule" violations and notifies the programer



QA & Recap

  • What problem does ESlint solve
  • How does it work
  • How can I know what configurations are there
  • How can I disable the rule no-unused-variables in config
  • Can disable a rule for only one line?



  • We want to use new ES features today
  • We want to support old browsers


  • have a compiler transform new code to old code
  • add any missing features if possible through polyfills


QA & recap

  • What is babel good for?



  • We want developers to be able to split their application into modules so that it’s easier to manage, but...

  • We want to deliver our applications as fast as possible to users

  • We want them to load the smallest amount of files and have browsers parse the least amount of code

Origin of Problem

  • Browsers do not load in parallel more than 6 files on average (in HTTP2.0 around 20)




  • JS does not have an official module system so files aside we can only share code through the global scope

Symptoms of the problem

  • developers would embed script tags everywhere in the HTML
    • devs are uncomfortable creating a separate file and remembering to load them while making sure the order is correct
      • this leads to higher bugs (since it’s harder to figure out where things are)
  • devs introduce a lot of global variables by mistake
    • It becomes unclear where a variable is coming from
    • We could accidentally override variables
  • some devs try to cram everything into once file resulting in very large files 


Webpack solves all these problems and more, but to understand what it's doing we will take a step back over the next 2 workshop, as we observe the development of ESModules.

Webpack: IIFE and Singeltons

Start Server to Explore the project

cp -R ./code/05-webpack-IIFE/begin/* .
npm run serve

Webpack Homework

complete the guide

Code splitting with webpack

read article

Important Tools

By Amr Draz

Important Tools

  • 114