Is QUIC streaming ready? A long look at the practical impact of QUIC for streaming
Review #1
Aniketh Girish
Collaboration with:
Max Planck Institute's Internet Architecture group, Germany
Hasselt University, Belgium
gnuTLS community
videoLAN community
Based on..
Mirko Palmer, Thorben Kruger, Balakrishnan Chandrasekaran, Anja Feldmann, The QUIC Fix for Optimal Video Streaming
Colin Perkins, JÃűrg Ott, Real-time Audio-Visual Media Transport over QUIC
What is QUIC?
Head of line blocking
How performant is QUIC?
Web loads 8% faster than TCP
Streaming is 20% faster than TCP stack
Google says...
Background for QUIC on Streaming!
- streaming is taking up more and more of global internet traffic: >75%
- Performance over TCP is not great
High latency: application and transport impact with MPEG DASH
Mainly head of line blocking due to reliable transport
Background for QUIC on Streaming!
QUIC helps, but not much
Still has per-stream HOL blocking
Still high latency
What's proposed...?
QUIC TLS API for crypto in gnutTLS
In gnuTLS...
What's proposed...?
In VLC....?
What's proposed...?
What's proposed...?
In Custom QUIC extension (QUIC-tweaked) ....?
Selective Reliable Transport
Deadline Awareness
Message-Oriented Abstraction
Forward Error Correction
I-P-B frame handling
Head-Of-Line blocking resilience
What's proposed...?
RTP over QUIC-tweaked
DASH over QUIC-tweaked
In VLC with tweaked QUIC ....?
What's proposed...?
Exposing QUIC TLS APIs in gnuTLS
- A callback to notify the key (epoch) change
- A callback to write a Handshake messsage, when it is being sent
- A callback to write an Alert messasge, when it is being sent
- A callback to flush the message.
- A function to push data received from the peer to the TLS layer
HTTP POST support in VLC
- Need a single connection to POST data, since we won't get proper response for a POST request compared to GET.
- Fix for the idenpotency implementation.
ACM students research competition in SOSP'19, Toronto, Canada
Thank You!
Is QUIC streaming ready? A long look at the practical impact of QUIC for streaming
By Aniketh Gireesh
Is QUIC streaming ready? A long look at the practical impact of QUIC for streaming
- 983