Correlations and symmetry in mean-field wavefunctions
Molecular orbital theory
Valence bond theory

Variational principle
Ground state minimizes
- Come up with a clever wavefunction parametrization
- Minimize its energy by varying parameters (we use Monte Carlo methods to do this)
Variational Monte Carlo
- Calculate energy: continuous time sampling
overlap ratios
- Calculate energy gradient: by sampling

local orbitals allow screening of distant excitations
- Change parameters: smart gradient descent
- O(N3) scaling, parallelizable
Restricted Hartree Fock (RHF)

Doubly occupied orbitals:


θ slices
Shortcomings of restricted orbitals
- Doesn't correlate ↑ and ↓ electrons
- Doesn't break bonds correctly: H2 dissociation


as d→∞
Unrestricted Hartree Fock (UHF)
Singly occupied orbitals:

- Correlates ↑ and ↓ electrons
- Breaks bonds correctly (in many cases)
as d→∞
Broken symmetry
- Hamiltonian has spin symmetry: invariant under spin rotations
The exact ground state is a spin eigenstate.
- The restricted wavefunction is a spin eigenstate, the unrestricted wavefunction is not. It breaks S2 symmetry.
- The unrestricted wavefunction is an Sz eigenstate. We can break this symmetry as well.
- For an approximate variational wavefunction, symmetry is a constraint that can only raise its energy. In general, we can break all symmetries to remove constraints.
Generalized Hartree Fock (GHF)
Orbitals are not Sz eigenstates, spin and space entangled

Frustrated systems:

Restore broken symmetries
- We can restore the broken symmetry by projecting onto the desired symmetry sector, thus improving the wavefunction
- In Monte Carlo sampling, we can project certain symmetries trivially by choosing the walkers appropriately. For example, if the walkers are Sz eigenstates:
- Breaking symmetries may lower energy, but resulting wavefunction doesn't have good quantum numbers.
- We can break and restore complex conjugation symmetry by using complex orbitals and taking the real part of the overlap.
H8 linear chain (8e, 8o)

restoring Sz symmetry

restoring Sz and K symmetries
Antisymmetrized geminal power (AGP)
We can break the number symmetry as well!
Fp↑,q↓→ amplitude for the bond between p and q

BCS wavefunction in real space
Spin eigenstate if Fp↑,q↓ symmetric, breaks S2 symmetry otherwise
Includes same spin pairing: breaks all symmetries

antisymmetric matrix

The most general mean field wavefunction: includes all others as special cases
Jastrow factor
counts site occupations and suppresses spurious ionic configurations (double occupations)

also correlates long range excitations: important for describing insulators
Wavefunction hierarchy

General form:

N2 (14e, 18o)
d (Bohr) | Exact | Jastrow-KSPfafian | Green's function MC |
1.6 | -0.5344 | -0.5337 | -0.5342 |
1.8 | -0.5408 | -0.5400 | -0.5406 |
2.5 | -0.5187 | -0.5180 | -0.5185 |
H50 linear chain (50e, 50o)
U | Accurate result | Jastrow- KSGHF |
Green's function MC |
2 | -1.1962 | -1.1920 | -1.1939 |
4 | -0.8620 | -0.8566 | -0.8598 |
8 | -0.5237 | -0.5183 | -0.5221 |
2D Hubbard: 98 sites
Thank you!
By Ankit Mahajan
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