Variational description of electron dynamics
Why study dynamics?
- Directly related to experiments: electronic response to experimental probes
- At finite temperatures, electron dynamics are always present
- Goal: Develop a set of ab initio methods to study electron dynamics in strongly correlated molecular and condensed systems
Damped harmonic oscillator
Response to an external time-dependent force F(t)
green's function, susceptibility, response function, ...
Spectral function ∝ dissipation (γ)

Linear response functions in QM
Suppose a system is perturbed as Hext=F(t)B^, then the response of ⟨A^⟩ to linear order is given by
Kubo formula:
Spectral representation:
For the case A^=B^, dissipation ∝ fluctuations
Fermi's golden rule: scattering amplitude for probe particle, could be a photon, neutron, electron, etc.

Different spectroscopies couple to different operators A^
- Photoemission/attachment: c^k,c^k†
- X-ray scattering: ρ(x)
- neutorn scattering: ρσ(x)
Adiabatic theorem: Elementary excitations of the electron Fermi liquid
- Model condensed system: interacting electron liquid, compensating uniform background
- In the noninteracting limit, reduces to free Fermi gas with excitations described by free electrons and holes
- Adiabatic theorem: If you imagine turning on the interaction slowly, these simple states evolve into quasiparticles

How can we describe particle-hole excitations?
- Add excitations to interacting ground-state:
- Construct effective Hamiltonian for these states that encodes interactions between them
- Find low-lying eigenvalues of this effective Hamiltonian to find excitation energies
- This approach is very general and used in traditional theories like equation of motion CCSD
Strong interactions destroy quasiparticles
- Hubbard model: undergoes Mott transition at critical U, even at zero temperature!

- For small U, behaves like a weakly interacting Fermi liquid
- As U is increased, electrons become localized and the system becomes an insulator, no explanation in terms of quasiparticles possible

Describing correlated excitations
- Same strategy as before, act excitations onto the ground state, now in terms of local orbitals
- Construct an effective Hamiltonian for these states and find low lying states
- Numerically, deterministic algorithms require construction of high-rank reduced density matrices to accomplish this
- We use Jastrow symmetry projected mean field states
A way to avoid RDM's: use stochastic sampling

Generate Hamiltonian excitations from the walker using heat-bath screened sampling
We implemented this for multireference configuration interaction calculations which require similar Hamiltonian construction

Preliminary results for excited states

Improvements: need to include more excitation classes, e.g. cofermions
Hydrogen chain of 10 atoms, near equilibrium geometry
Time-dependent variational principle
A variational principle for the time-dependent Schrodinger equation!

Expand wavefunction linearly in parameters at ∣ψ0⟩, and diagonalize the effective Hamiltonian in the tangent space:
Another approach to get excited states

Numerically, all gradients can be evaluated at the same cost as the function!
Thank you!
By Ankit Mahajan
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