Andreas Park PRO
Professor of Finance at UofT
Andreas Veneris, Andreas Park, Fan Long, Poonam Puri
February 10, 2021
The Internet of Things
Source: BIS Working Papers No 880 "Rise of the central bank digital currencies: drivers, approaches and technologies" by Raphael Auer, Giulio Cornelli and Jon Frost
user obtains wallet
registers wallet address via e-KYC
NB processes transactions among whitelisted wallets quasi-anonymously
issues transaction instructions
( )
( )
initiates wallet transfer
record keeping and AML/CFT processing
each offline card is linked to a KYC-ed user/e-wallet
NB transfers CBDL with serial numbers to the card
user pays offline
user pays offline
user pays offline
user pays offline
user initiates transfer from card to e-wallet
user initiates transfer from e-wallet to card
consumers can initiate EFTs from chequing account at commercial bank to CBDL wallet at NB
existing payments system facilitates transfers to CBDL system
NB has reserve account at BoC to link with commercial banks
NB handles all
CBDL payments
overnight house- keeping
service example: internal payment-reward system
service example: small business bookkeeping
NB transitions into a validator node
blockchain network with validators and nodes
Central Bank-issued Digital Loonie as a common infrastructure
provide a public good that enables Canadians to participate in the digital economy without being subjected to third-party commercial interests
e-KYC using existing resources
two-stage process
Stage 1: do-it-alone to kickstart
Stage 2: enable private sector innovation
By Andreas Park
Final Report for the Bank of Canada's 2020-21 Model X Challenge by Andreas Veneris, Andreas Park, Fan Long, and Poonam Puri. Video presentation available here: