Positive Mutation
how mutation tests will improve your work
Data Scientist
@ Buddy.Works
Code Craftsman
Ultra Runner
@ ArkadiuszKondas
- Story
- Theory
- Demo
Coders Guild
Testers Guild
Coverage Report
Who will guard the guards themselves?
Introduction of mutations
Eternal prosperity
Code Coverage
Measure how thoroughly tests exercise application
Code Coverage
Line Coverage / Statement coverage
Lines: 4/5 Coverage: 80%
Code Coverage
Line Coverage / Statement coverage
Code Coverage
Function and Method Coverage
Code Coverage
Class and Trait Coverage
Code Coverage
Branch/patch coverage
class AgeVerification
public function passes(int $age): bool
if($age <= 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Age cannot be negative.');
return $age >= 18 && $age <= 99;
Code Coverage
Branch/patch coverage
Code Coverage
Change Risk Anti-Patterns (CRAP) Index
The Change Risk Anti-Patterns (CRAP) Index is calculated based on the cyclomatic complexity and code coverage of a unit of code. Code that is not too complex and has an adequate test coverage will have a low CRAP index.
The CRAP index can be lowered by writing tests and by refactoring the code to lower its complexity.
Code Coverage
Change Risk Anti-Patterns (CRAP) Index
CRAP1(m) = comp(m)^2 * (1 – cov(m)/100)^3 + comp(m)
Code Coverage
Change Risk Anti-Patterns (CRAP) Index
Code Coverage
Code Coverage
declare (strict_types = 1);
class GoldCustomer implements CustomerSpecification
* @param Customer $candidate
* @return bool
public function isSatisfiedBy(Customer $candidate): bool
return $candidate->getTotalPurchases() >= 100;
Code Coverage
declare (strict_types = 1);
class GoldCustomerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testIsSatisfiedByCustomer()
$customer = new Customer();
$goldCustomer = new GoldCustomer();
100% Code Coverage, but ...
Code Coverage
* @param int $totalPurchases
* @param bool $expected
* @dataProvider customerProvider
public function testIsSatisfiedReturnsCorrectResult(int $totalPurchases, bool $expected)
$customer = new Customer($totalPurchases);
$goldCustomer = new GoldCustomer();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $goldCustomer->isSatisfiedBy($customer));
* @return array
public function customerProvider()
return [
[1, false],
[99, false],
[100, true],
[200, true]
Code Coverage
Mutation Testing
to the rescue
Mutation testing
A tool to provide insight in stability of your code
Mutation testing
- run test siut and check if pass
- generate all possible mutations
- for each mutation run testsiut and check if fails
- evaluate results
Mutation testing
public function isInRetirementAge() {
return $this->age > 67;
function testIsInRetirementAge() {
$this->assertFalse((new Applicant('John', 30))->isInRetirementAge());
$this->assertTrue((new Applicant('John', 70))->isInRetirementAge());
public function isInRetirementAge() {
- return $this->age > 67;
+ return $this->age >= 67;
The mutant is alive == has escaped
Mutation testing
function testIsInRetirementAge() {
- $this->assertFalse((new Applicant('John', 30))->isInRetirementAge());
+ $this->assertFalse((new Applicant('John', 67))->isInRetirementAge());
$this->assertTrue((new Applicant('John', 70))->isInRetirementAge());
public function isInRetirementAge() {
- return $this->age > 67;
+ return $this->age >= 67;
The mutant is killed
- killed if at least 1 test fails
- escaped if at all test pass
uncovered mutant is not covered
by a test - fatal mutant produces a fatal error
- timeout unit tests exceed allowed timeout
- skipped could not be tested
a piece of code that has been mutated by mutator
Binary Arithmetic
Binary Arithmetic
26) \Humbug\Mutator\Arithmetic\PlusEqual
--- Original
+++ New
@@ @@
for ($n = 0; $n < $this->dimension; ++$n) {
- $centroid->coordinates[$n] += $point->coordinates[$n];
+ $centroid->coordinates[$n] -= $point->coordinates[$n];
for ($n = 0; $n < $this->dimension; ++$n) {
$this->coordinates[$n] = $centroid->coordinates[$n] / $count;
Mutation Score Indicator (MSI):
percentage of mutants covered & killed by tests
Mutation Code Coverage:
percentage of mutants covered by tests
Covered Code MSI:
percentage of killed mutants that werecoverd by tests
Metrics Example
506 mutations were generated:
401 mutants were killed
47 mutants were not covered by tests
45 covered mutants were not detected
4 errors were encountered
9 time outs were encountered
0 mutants required more time than configured
Source: Mutation Testing Better Code by Making Bugs Filip van Laenen
CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff origin/master --diff-filter=AM --name-only | grep src/ | paste -sd "," -);
INFECTION_FILTER="--filter=${CHANGED_FILES} --ignore-msi-with-no-mutations";
infection --threads=4 $INFECTION_FILTER
Run mutation testing on changesets
- The filesystem
- The Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
- The bytecode / opcode
source: https://newsmeter.in/teslas-cybertruck-armour-glass-demo-goes-wrong/
Eats Code Coverage for breakfast
- Running all tests for each mutation is inefficient
- Before running tests, gather coverage data from phpunit
- Next only run the tests that cover the mutated code
- Stop testing a mutation as soon as at least 1 test fails
- Sort the test on their execution time
Let's run CLI ...
- Write tests
- Separate fast unit tests from slow integration tests
- False positive will show up
- Mutation testing will improve the quality of your tests
Other languages
- Java: Pitest (http://pitest.org/)
- Ruby: Mutant (https://github.com/mbj/mutant)
- C#: NinjaTurtles* (https://ninjaturtles.codeplex.com/)
- JavaScript: Stryker (https://github.com/stryker-mutator/stryker)
Python: mutmut
- https://infection.github.io/guide/
- https://doug.codes/php-code-coverage
- https://phpunit.readthedocs.io/en/9.3/code-coverage-analysis.html
- http://crestweb.cs.ucl.ac.uk/resources/mutation_testing_repository/
- https://github.com/mariuszgil/aggregates-by-example
- https://pixabay.com/
- Illustration by Freepik Stories: https://stories.freepik.com/web
Thanks for listening
@ ArkadiuszKondas
Pozytywna Mutacja: jak testy mutacyjne usprawnią Twoją pracę
By Arkadiusz Kondas
Pozytywna Mutacja: jak testy mutacyjne usprawnią Twoją pracę
Testowanie mutacyjne to technika pozwalając na pomiar jakości testów. Polega ona na celowym wprowadzaniu małych zmian (mutacji) w kodzie, a następnie sprawdzeniu czy przynajmniej jeden test nie przechodzi. Podczas prezentacji przedstawię koncepcję testów mutacyjnych wraz z praktycznym wdrożeniem na podstawie biblioteki infection oraz interpretacją wyników.
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