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Selecting a Topic




Or select from a list of shortlisted article titles:

Quality Article


A Typical Proposal

Title + Questions

What is explainable AI?
Is explainability in AI the same as interpretability?
What's the need to explain AI models?
What aspects of an AI/ML system need to be explained?
What's the benefit in making AI models explainable?
What are the current techniques in explainable AI?
What are the different frameworks for explainable AI?
What are some limitations of explainable AI?

Explainable AI

Makes the article more complete and neutral

Essential but may actually become the Summary

Brief descriptions but could also have dedicated articles; could even delete them here

Types of Articles


Dead Code, Naming Conventions, ROC Curve, Byte Ordering, CAP Theorem, Leaky Abstractions, Postel's Law, etc.


Blockchain, 5G New Radio, IoT Security, IEEE 802.11ac, WebRTC, RISC-V Architecture, C++, Python OOP, etc.


SQLite, Redis Streams, Tor Browser, PyTorch, Kerberos, Amazon Alexa, Vue.js, Kubernetes, Robot Framework, etc.


Speech Recognition, Object Detection, Grammar and Spell Checker, Sentiment Analysis, Question Similarity, etc.


Convention over Configuration, Python 2 vs 3, JavaScript Frameworks, Generative vs Discriminative Models, Types of Mobile Apps, etc.


IoT Alliances and Consortiums, Internet Engineering Task Force, Cloud Security Alliance, MIPI Alliance, etc.

Defining Article Scope


Python Data Structures

Python 2 vs 3

Python OOP

Python Iterators

Python Distributions and Packaging

CPython Internals

Magic Methods in Python

Introspection in Python

Abstraction in Python

Python Descriptor

Python GIL

Python ML Frameworks

Python Template Engines

Python ORM

Articles Not Suitable @ Devopedia

  • Felgo Vs Flutter Vs React Native - Which One To Choose In 2021

    • More suitable for a blog: instead write separate articles on Felgo, Flutter and React Native

    • We can write "Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks"

    • Some specific comparison articles are allowed. Eg. Python 2 vs 3, Composition vs Inheritance, etc.

  • Step by step process to learn python faster

    • Tech article relevant to developers but not suited for Devopedia

    • An article on "Python" can mention useful resources for beginners

  • R-CNN Implementation From Scratch

    • We can have an article on R-CNN instead: more about concept than code per se

  • Funding for Startups

    • More a business article than tech

  • 7 principles I follow to design for the enterprise

    • Actually, this is okay but change title to "Design Principles for Enterprises"

Rewards Program - Process

Submit your proposal on the Rewards Program page @

Minimum Requirements

to be considered for a review

1200 words

No warnings

You're happy :)

Article Warnings

Client-side and server-side

  • Maximum word limits
    • Summary: 150
    • Discussion
      • 2000 total
      • 200 per Q&A
    • Milestones
      • 100 per milestone
  • Minimum word limits
    • 500 to remove warning
    • 1200 to publish & pay
  • Other limits
    • 3+ images/videos/audio
    • 3+ Q&A in Discussion
    • 3-15 milestones
    • 3-8 tags
    • 3-6 See Also items
    • 3-6 Further Reading items
    • 1.5+ references / 200 words
    • 1.5+ citations / 100 words

Maybe edited by reviewer based on intimate knowledge of other articles on the system

Article Warnings

Client-side and server-side

  • Maximum word limits
    • Summary: 150
    • Discussion
      • 2000 total
      • 200 per Q&A
    • Milestones
      • 100 per milestone
  • Minimum word limits
    • 500 for article
  • Other limits
    • 3+ images/videos/audio
    • 3+ Q&A in Discussion
    • 3-15 milestones
    • 3-8 tags
    • 3-6 See Also items
    • 3-6 Further Reading items
    • 1.5+ references / 200 words
    • 1.5+ citations / 100 words

I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.

Mark Twain

American writer


Price Per Word (PPW)

Is PPW an indication of quality or effort or neither?

Word count is used as a guideline


Count of references, citations, images, milestones, etc. lead to DevCoins


System validates and displays warnings


Articles goes through reviews and revisions





The more time

an author invests,

      less time

      a reader requires.

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Author Tips (20 mins)



Research Tips

Various keyword searches

Sources cited at Wikipedia

Search for images and videos

Search at Google Scholar

Read primary sources

Start with secondary sources

Choose reputable sources

Some Keywords for Research

intro, basics, primer, survey, tutorial, getting started, docs

adoption, case studies, tools, techniques, best practices

features, benefits, advantages, pros and cons, problems, limitations, limits, myths, criticism

compare, alternatives, open source

history, milestones, timeline, evolution, origins, roadmap

releases, versions, experimental, deprecated

Research Sources

Primary Sources

Secondary Sources

  • Research papers (IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, arxiv, etc.)
  • Books
  • Official docs, videos or tutorials
  • Historical records (emails on mailing lists, etc.)
  • Standards
  • Press releases
  • Tech blogs
  • Wikipedia
  • News articles
  • Tutorials, videos, etc.

Sources: Good and Bad

Don't prefer those with few claps, likes, shares, views, etc.

  • Quora or StackOverflow answers

  • Medium, or HackerNoon articles

  • YouTube videos

Examples of good sources

  • Official sites of tech companies: Intel, NVDIA, RedHat, IBM, Google, MongoDB, etc.

  • BBC, CNN, Washington Post, The Guardian, etc.

  • WIRED, The Next Web, ZDNet, CNET, DZone, Android Authority, Computer World, Forbes, etc.

  • Coursera, Khan Academy, lecture notes, etc.

  • Conference proceedings/recordings

Some sources are perceived as low quality


Some acceptable sources

  • Wikipedia, Analytics Vidhya, vendor blogs, etc.

Follow the Thread

Papers usually refer to other important papers in the field. Follow these links to research the topic at a deeper level.

Writing Tips

Include images & videos

Write in plain  English

Use short sentences: <20 words

Read published articles

facts over opinions


but also

Rephrase and don't copy

Be technically precise

Core Content Guidelines

Adopted from Wikipedia

A marketing image

Image explains a concept

Plain English

Furthermore, large volumes of water are also required for the process of extraction

Extraction also requires large volumes of water

Designers took the decision to incorporate error checking into wrapper code

Designers decided to check for errors in wrapper code

Short Sentences

Data science is a multifaceted discipline, which encompasses machine learning and other analytic processes, statistics and related branches of mathematics, increasingly borrows from high performance scientific computing, all in order to ultimately extract insight from data and use this new-found information to tell stories.

Data science is a multifaceted discipline. It encompasses machine learning and other analytic processes, statistics and related branches of mathematics. It increasingly borrows from high performance scientific computing. Ultimately, the goal is to extract insight from data and use this new-found information to tell stories.

44 words

6 + 14 + 8 + 17 = 45 words

Use Active Voice

In such conditions, an exception is raised by the software

In such conditions, the software raises an exception

Use Parallel Structures

For performance, we recommend C language and using more RAM.

For performance, we recommend C language and more RAM.

For performance, we recommend using C language and installing more RAM.




Define but also Explain

Definitions are good but explanations are better!

gRPC is a high performance,
open-source universal RPC framework.

                               gRPC is a framework that enables the implementation of highly scalable and performant application whose parts are distributed over a network. The framework abstracts away the low-level networking details from app developers so that they can focus on the application logic. Developers need not worry about how one part calls a functionality in another remote part. gRPC takes care of this and enables more responsive real-time apps.



The Opposite of Explain

Conflicting Ideas are Okay!

Don't be partial to specific viewpoints

Is explainability in AI the same as interpretability?

The two terms are used interchangeably although it's worth understanding the difference. A model is interpretable if ... A model is explainable if ...

However, there's no precise or universal definition. Rudin says interpretable models are ... Lipton claims that interpretability asks "How does the model work?" whereas explainability asks "What else can the model tell me?"

Montavon et al. talk about interpretability in terms of human understanding: we can interpret ... Explainability takes interpretable features to show ...


Dominant idea

Alternative viewpoints


Use present tense

L.B. Lusted applied ROC methodology to compare different studies of chest film interpretations for detection of pulmonary tuberculosis. This was the first application of ROC to radiology. It inspired the use of ROC in many diagnostic imaging systems. Lusted himself published Decision-making studies in patient management in 1971.

L.B. Lusted applies ROC methodology to compare different studies of chest film interpretations for detection of pulmonary tuberculosis. This is the first application of ROC to radiology. It subsequently inspires the use of ROC in many diagnostic imaging systems. Lusted himself publishes Decision-making studies in patient management in 1971.

More Examples

The new deployment resulted in a failure.

The new deployment failed.

C++ is a popular language, and so is Java. I like the language.

C++ is a popular language, and so is Java. I like Java.

Smoke Test is not full testing but it can be run frequently and quickly. It is designed to quickly detect basic problems.

Smoke Test isn't full testing but it can be run frequently and quickly. It's designed to quickly detect basic problems.

Visualization updates are blazingly fast.

Visualization updates are faster by 50%.

There is support for multiple threads in Java.

Java supports multiple threads.

Reference Example

Adapted from Chicago Manual of Style (Author-Date system)

What About SEO?

Leave this to Devopedia

Creating compelling and useful content will likely influence your website more than any of the other factors discussed here.

-- Google SEO Starter Guide

  • Write easy-to-read text

  • Organize your topics clearly

  • Write content that's factually accurate, clearly written, and comprehensive

  • Optimize content for your users, not search engines

  • Choose descriptive text for anchor text

Who's the Audience?

Data Science

Project Manager


Lay Person

REST API to GraphQL Migration

Python Data Types

A Developer's Journey

Summary (5 mins)

Why Devopedia?

  • Focusing on simple, clear and concise explanations

  • Customer (reader) is king

  • No pay wall: anyone can read

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  • Non-profit and managed by Devopedia Foundation

Benefits for Authors

  • Get recognized, it's not ghost writing

  • Showcase your public profile page in your resume

  • Get paid for learning with guidance from reviewers

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Introduction to Devopedia, for new authors

By Arvind Padmanabhan

Introduction to Devopedia, for new authors

  • 954