
Making a better Siri

with the TALL stack

User asks question

Robot thinks

Robot answers question

User asks question

(using voice)

Robot thinks

(using chatgpt?)

Robot answers question

(using audio)

step 1.0: speech to text

$relativePath = fmt('%/%', messageAudioFolderPath(), $fileName);
$type = Storage::mimeType($relativePath);

$response = Http::acceptJson()
        'Authorization' => 'Token '.config('services.deepgram.secret'),
        Storage::get($relativePath), $type

if ($alternatives = $response->json('results.channels.0.alternatives')) {
    return $alternatives[0]['transcript'];

throw new ConvertQuestionAudioToTextException(
    'Could not convert question audio to text'
    class="container mx-auto"
        isRecording: false,
        blob: @entangle('blob').defer,
        async startRecording() {
            this.isRecording = true;
            return window.AudioRecorder.start();
        async stopRecording() {
            var blob = await window.AudioRecorder.stop();
            var base64 = await this.blobToBase64(blob);

            this.isRecording = false;

            this.blob = base64;
        blobToBase64(blob) {
            return new Promise(resolve => {
                const reader = new FileReader();
                reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.result);
if (! function_exists('writeAudioFile')) {
    function writeAudioFile(string $blob): string
        $tempName = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'question');
        file_put_contents($tempName, file_get_contents($blob));
        $path = Storage::putFile(
            new File($tempName),

        return str($path)->afterLast('/');

step 2.0: text to speech

$tempName = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'answer').'.mp3';

        'curl' => [
            CURLOPT_USERPWD => 'apikey:'.config('services.watson-tts.secret'),
    ->post(config('services.watson-tts.url').'/v1/synthesize', [
        'text' => $text,
    ->onError(function (Response $response) {
        throw new ConvertAnswerTextToAudioException($response->body());

if ($path = Storage::putFile(messageAudioFolderPath(), new File($tempName))) {
    return str($path)->afterLast('/');

throw new ConvertAnswerTextToAudioException('Could not write answer audio file');
@if ($message->audio_file_name)
            src="/storage/messages/{{ $message->audio_file_name }}"
        Your browser does not support the audio element.

step 3.0: asking the robot

$client = OpenAI::client(config('services.openai.secret'));

$messages = $conversation
    ->map(fn(Message $message) => [
        'role' => $message->role,
        'content' => $message->text,

$response = $client->chat()->create([
    'model' => 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
    'messages' => $messages,
    'max_tokens' => $maxTokens,

if (isset($response['choices'][0]['message']['content'])) {
    return trim($response['choices'][0]['message']['content']);

throw new AskAiException($response->toArray());

step 4.0: putting it

all together

attempt 1: everything in the livewire component

attempt 2: queued jobs, single interactions

class Message extends Model
    use HasFactory;
    use HasStates;

    protected $guarded = [];

    protected $casts = [
        'state' => MessageState::class,

    public function conversation(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(Conversation::class);
abstract class MessageState extends State
    public static function config(): StateConfig
        return parent::config()
            // ...
// system setting the prompt


// user asking a question



// ...

} catch (ConvertQuestionAudioToTextException $e) {

    $this->message->reason_failed = $e->getMessage();

step 0.5: preparing

question audio

try {
    FFMpeg::open(fmt('%/%', messageAudioFolderPath(), $fileName))
        ->inFormat(new Mp3())
} catch (Throwable $e) {
    throw new ConvertQuestionVideoToAudioException(
        'Could not convert question video to audio'

step 3.5: splitting conversation contexts

public function mount(): void
    if ($id = session()->get('conversation')) {
        $this->conversation = Conversation::findOrFail($id);


    $conversation = Conversation::create([
        'is_manager' => true,

    $message = $conversation
            'role' => 'system',
            'text' => file_get_contents(config('prompts.manager')),


    session()->put('conversation', $conversation->id);

    $this->conversation = $conversation;
Here are the list of commands:

- [list conversations]
- [create conversation]
- [forward message 'x' to conversation ID y] (where 'x' is the message you want to forward and 'y' is the ID of the conversation you are busy remembering)
- [reset]

These are the only things I want you to say. I do not want you to answer my questions directly because that is not your job. You are a conversation manager, acting as a LLM API between my database and nested conversations.

When I send you a message, and you do not already have an appropriate conversation ID in your memory, you look for an appropriate conversation using the '[list conversations]' command. I will give you back a list of conversations. You pick based on their summary, and you remember the ID of the conversation.

If I tell you there are no conversations, you issue the '[create conversation]' command so that I can create a new conversation. I will tell you an ID that you cna remember.

If you have a conversation ID in memory then you can forward my original message to it with the '[forward conversation ...]' command.

For example:

I say: "I want to paint my house"
You say: "[list conversations]" (because you don't have a conversation ID in memory yet)
I say: "there are no conversations"
You say: "[create conversation]"
I say: "created conversation with ID 1"
You say: "[forward message 'I want to paint my house' to conversation 1]"

Another example:

I say: "I want to paint my house"
You say: "[list conversations]" (because you don't have a conversation ID in memory yet)
I say: "conversations: conversation about 'riding a bicycle' ID of 2"
You say: "[create conversation]" (because none of the conversations are relevant)
I say: "created conversation with ID 3"
You say: "[forward message 'I want to paint my house' to conversation 3]"

Another example:

I say: "I want to paint my house"
You say: "[list conversations]" (because you don't have a conversation ID in memory yet)
I say: "conversations: conversation about 'painting houses' ID of 3"
You say: "[forward message 'I want to paint my house' to conversation 3]" (because that is the most relevant conversation)

Another example:

I say: "I want to reset" or "reset" or "let's start over" or something similar
You say: "[reset]"

prompts are hard

what's next?

showing nested conversations

more functions

- splitting conversations when they get too big

- merging conversations

- updating conversation summaries

- saving/loading context to enable branching

- forgetting conversations

user preferences

- define global (per user) preferences

- allow dynamic values

- prompt nested conversations with these

- allow changing them mid-conversation

make an app?

what does it cost?


Making a better Siri (June 2023)

By Christopher Pitt

Making a better Siri (June 2023)

  • 426