Master's Thesis
midpoint progress
Bartosz Janota
Algorithms for construction of elimination tree for multi-frontal solver of isogeometric finite element method
dr hab. inż. Maciej Paszyński
What has been done
- Research
- Code
- Computations
- Abstract (congress)
- Paper (congress)
- We need an optimal strategy
- There are two existing strategies
- Both of them are using T-Splines
Computational complexity of isogeometric FEM with T-splines and B-splines over 2D h-refined grids
The 1st Strategy
- Utilizes h refinements and T-spline basis functions

- For the point singularity the supports of T-spline basis functions from all the levels of the mesh overlap, which results in O(N^3) computational complexity of the solution
The 2nd Strategy

- additional h refinements to the first one, so that T-spline basis functions do not overlap and therefore the computational complexity is reduced to O(N)
- N for the second strategy is larger than for the first one
The 3rd Strategy
- No global C1 continuity of the solution anymore
- The third adaptive strategy uses h refinements with B-spline basis functions [1 and C0 separators (recursively repeated knots).

- We show that the computational cost of the third strategy is also linear, but we no longer preserve C1 global continuity of the solution

- The 1st Strategy

- The 1st Strategy



What needs to be done
- Paper (MSc Thesis)
Thank you
Master's Thesis midpoint progress Bartosz Janota
By Bartosz Janota
- 40