LEAN history and intro  

Who know about LEAN methodology?

What i'm gonna talk about?

  • Lean methodology History

  • Agile & Scrum

  • Lean in shift team ?

Lean methodology History

Start years 1900 

Henry ford

Ford assembly line back in the days

  • One unique model called "ford T" lasting 26 years

  • 6 colors 

  • Six body styles  THAT'S IT!

Years 1937 japan kick's in

Kiichiro Toyoda

Toyota Production System

enhancing manufacturing methods

JIT (just-in-time)




"the decision from anyone to stop and fix problems as they occur rather than pushing them down the line to be resolved later"

link here

"Making only what is needed, only when it is needed, and only in the amount that is needed"

link here

Year 2001 The Toyota Way

  • Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your company's philosophy.

  • Become a learning organization through relentless reflection and continuous improvement

  • Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others.

  • Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes.

  • Standardized tasks and processes are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment.

  • Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time.

  • Level out the workload.

  • Use "pull" systems to avoid overproduction.

  • Create a continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface.

Year 2001 The Toyota Way

Lean in software development?

- 2003: "Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit" book by Mary and Tom Poppendieck 

if you want to know more about lean history
check this book

Lean goal ?

  • Maximize Value, Minimize Waste: Streamline processes to deliver maximum customer value through software, while systematically identifying and eliminating wasteful practices.

  • Enhance Flexibility and Efficiency: Implement systems and practices that allow for quick response to changes in customer needs and market conditions, leading to more efficient development cycles.

  • Continuous Improvement: Foster a culture of ongoing, incremental improvement in all aspects of the software development lifecycle, aiming for better quality, faster delivery, and more reliable outcomes.

What about kanban then ?!

  • Kanban (pronouce kamban ) mean "cards we see". it's a tool to visualize all productions steps and what is done within each.

Agile manifesto

Agile & Scrum

Agile what is it ?

Agile is a set of principles for software development under which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing and cross-functional teams.


It advocates adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continual improvement, and it encourages flexible responses to change.


The term "Agile" was popularized by the Agile Manifesto, which was written in 2001 by a group of software developers who sought to create a more efficient and flexible approach to software development.

 Scrum what is it ?

Scrum is a framework used to implement Agile development.

Events (Ceremonies) >  These are the Sprint Planning meeting, Daily Scrum (or stand-up), Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.

Roles > 3  primary roles :

  • Product Owner, who represents the stakeholders and the voice of the customer;
  • the Scrum Master, who ensures the Scrum process is followed and facilitates the team's activities;
  • Development Team, who work together to deliver the product increments.

Artifacts > 

  • Product Backlog (an ordered list of everything that might be needed in the product), the Sprint Backlog (a list of tasks to be completed during the Sprint)
  • Product Increment (the sum of product work completed during a Sprint, along with all previous Sprints).

Sprints >

  • Time-boxed iterations, typically lasting two to four weeks, at the end of which a potentially shippable product increment is delivered.

 Scrum Goal ?


  • Iterative and Incremental Delivery: Break down complex projects into manageable units of work, delivering them in short, sustainable cycles called Sprints, enabling regular feedback and continuous progress.

  • Collaboration and Customer Feedback: Promote active collaboration among cross-functional teams and stakeholders, ensuring the final product aligns closely with customer needs through regular reviews and adaptations.

  • Adaptability and Transparency: Maintain a flexible approach to project management that welcomes changing requirements, even late in development, with clear communication and visible progress for all team members and stakeholders.


Lean mindset In shift team

  • Refactorings gave ownership on our scope
  • Frontend skills of each team members improved (more autonomy)
  • Product knowledge was greatly improved
  • Code quality was a focus on Q1 and was worth it ( see amount of bugs in march for shift)
  • Scope test coverage allow check of quality quickly 

Why Kaban now ?

What we want as a team

  • Remove the useless:
    • Stop estimating cards "randomly"
    • Stop PM test
    • Stop the change of sprint priorities hurdles
  • Deliver quality quickly: 
    • Be at ease to fix issue when we see it
    • Deliver smoothly and at a steady pace
    • Minimise Parallized work
    • Change focus quickly if needed

Kanban experiment success possible metrics

Common metrics

  • Lead time ( total time to be done pm+qa -> deployed )
  • Cycle time ( doing dev -> deployed )

DORA metrics:

  • Lead time for changes: the time elapsed between committing code and deploying it to production

  • Deployment frequency: how often an organization deploys to production

  • Change failure rate: the percentage of deployments causing failures in production

  • Time to restore service: how long it takes an organization to recover from failures in production, also more commonly known as mean time to recovery

  • Bien être de l'équipe

Lean methodology

By ben080989

Lean methodology

  • 67