Nearly Optimal Register Allocation using PBQP
New register Allocator
Nvidia Compiler
Modelling Irregular Architecture
FP 16, 32, 64 and vector registers
Improving Runtime Performance
- Virtual Register
Mapping Vreg to
- Physical Register
- Spill
- Cost Vector
- Cost Matrix
- FP 16, 32, 64
- Vector
- Interference graph
Data Structure
initialize Cost Vector
How does Constraints affects Cost vector?
2) Populate Cost Matrix
- For each edge in graph
- uses Cost vectors of Source and Destination
- What is Global Cost Matrix ?
- Why to use ?
- Data Structure
- 2D array for storing Cost matrix for each edge
- GCM for fast Retrieval.
3) Reduce Graph
What is reduce graph ?
reduce1, reduce2, reduceN
Data Structure
Singly Linked List for each Degree
Why to go for Separate Lists ?
Populate virtual registers in appropriate Degree List
Add Vector Constraints
While No DegreeList in Empty
Perform reduce1()
Perform reduce2()
Perform reduceN()
Propagate Solution
Reduce 1
- For Adjacent Y of X
- Y.CostVector += X.CostVector
Reduce 2
Reduce N
- Called when degree > 2
For i = 0 to |cx|
For node y in adjacent node(x)
- cy(i) += min( Cxy(i,:) + cy)
For node y in adjacent node(x)
Propagate Solution
For each Node X in degree0 List
- X.registerAssignment = minIndex(X.CostVector)
For each Adjacent Y of X
- Y.CostVector[X.registerAssignment] = INFINITY
Minima Based
For each Node X in degree0 List
- tempCostVector = X.CostVector
- For each Adjacent Y of X
- minY= minIndex(Y.CostVector)
- From Cost Matrix of X and Y
- Add minY 'th Column to tempCostVector
- X.registerAssignment = minIndex(tempCostVecor)
For each Adjacent Y of X
- Y.CostVector[X.registerAssignment] = INFINITY
Highest Register used
Compile Time
Memory Usage
Internal guide: Prof. M. V. Kulkarni
External guide: Shekhar Divekar
Understanding Algorithm And NVIDIA Compiler Infrastructure
Modelling Vector Instructions
Modelling FP16 and 64 bit registers
Implementation of Basic Register Allocator for sm50
Perf Tuning
What Next
Nearly Optimal Register Allocation using PBQP
By Bhushan Sonawane
Nearly Optimal Register Allocation using PBQP
Nvidia internship project presentation
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