
About JAvascript

  • Javascript is not JAVA ! 
  • interpreted computer programming language
  • JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language that is dynamic
  • web browsers
  • ECMAScript


 Javascript is a type safe language
var x; //defines the variable x, although no value is assigned to it by default
var y = 2; //defines the variable y and assigns the value of 2 to it
var z = "String";


  • keyword function
function add(a, b) {
  return a + b;
var c = add(2,3);


 "Everything" in JavaScript is an Object: a String, a Number, an Array, a Function etc.
  •  Object properties
var text = "javascript is cool";
var a = text["length"];
var b = text.length;
  • Define your own objects
var cat = {colour: "grey", name: "Bogdan"};
delete cat.colour;
var colour = cat.colour;
  • Adding methods to an object
var rabbit = {}; rabbit.speak = function(line) { print("The rabbit says '", line, "'"); }; rabbit.speak("Well, now you're asking me.");

built-in objects

  • String
 var txt = "string"; charAt() : Returns the character at the specified index
 indexOf() : Returns the position of the first found occurrence of a specified value in a string
 toLowerCase() : Converts a string to lowercase letters
 toUpperCase() : Converts a string to uppercase letters
  • Array
 var myCars=["Saab","Volvo","BMW"];
 var name=myCars[0]; pop() : Remove the last element of an array  push() : Add new elements to the end of an array - push() reverse() :Reverse the order of the elements in an array 


POO in Javascript

function People(name, age) { = name;
  this.age = age;
  this.speak = function() {
     return "I am a person";
var bogdan = new People("Bogdan", 23);
var andrei = new People("Andrei", 18);


      Each time a function is called with the new keyword in front of it  "this" variable will point at a new object.

JavaScript and HTML

  • Placing JavaScript in your pages
    function myFunction() {}
     <script src="myJsFile.js"></script>

    browser Object

    • represents an open window in a browser. 
    window.alert("Hello"); Displays an alert box with the message "Hello" and an OK button
    window.confirm("Confirm"); Displays a dialog box with a message and an OK and a Cancel button
    window.close(); Closes the current window

    document object

    • each HTML document loaded into a browser
    document.write("Hello World!"); 
    var a = "test";
    document.title; Return the title of the document; 
    • searching for elements in DOM 
    • changing HTML Content
     document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = new HTML; var htmlText = document.getElementById(id).innerHTML;
    • changing element attribute
     document.getElementById(id).attribute = new value; var attributeValue = document.getElementById(id).attribute;

    Html Events

    • an event occurs when something happens in a browser window
    • html event attributes
    • onclick - Fires on a mouse click on the element
      onblur - Fires the moment that the element loses focus
      onchange - Fires the moment when the value of the element is changed
      onload	- Fires after the page is finished loading
    myFunction = function() {
    alert("Button clicked");
    <button style="width:100px;" onclick=myFunction()> Click me</button>


    By Bogdan Posa


    • 1,090