Creating a Build Pipeline for your JS, CSS and more

Review the Options

  • Visual Studio Extensions
  • npm
  • Webpack
  • Browserify
  • Rollup
  • JSPM
  • Gulp
  • Grunt
  • Broccoli
  • Brunch

Build Pipeline Options

Gain productivity with latest and greatest language features

  • Sass
  • Less
  • Stylus
  • PostCSS
    • cssnext
  • Babel
    • JSX
  • Typescript
  • Flow
  • Elm


Broaden Browser Support

  • PostCSS
    • Autoprefixer
  • Babel
    • babel-preset-env
  • Bless
  • Browserslist
  • ESLint
  • JSHint
  • TSLint
  • CSS Lint
  • stylelint
  • Sass Lint
  • Mocha
  • Jasmine
  • QUnit
  • Tape
  • Jest
  • Ava

Catch Mistakes

  • Uglify
  • Closure Compiler
  • Clean CSS
  • CSS Nano
  • CSSO
  • Imagemin


  • Browsersync
  • Webpack Dev Server

Develop More Smoothly

Creating a Build Pipeline for your JS, CSS and more (2017)

By Brian Dukes

Creating a Build Pipeline for your JS, CSS and more (2017)

JavaScript came out with a major new version in 2015, CSS 4 is on the horizon, but your website still needs to support folks browser in IE 8. This session will review the options available to your development team to be more productive with the latest and greatest language features, while simultaneously broadening your browser support by using tools to transpile, minify, and lint your client-side assets before you ship them to your websites. Sample code available at

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