Shadow DOM lightning talk
If you write this..
<video crossorigin="anonymous" poster="" controls> <!-- video files --> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> <!-- text track file --> <track kind="captions" label="English captions" src="" srclang="en" default /> </video>
It presents like this...
It creates DOM like this. It's a tree.
Things that walk the tree:
1. Everything
Where did all those things come from? Buttons, sliders, etc?
If you could peak behind the curtain...
Wait, what?
Yes, it's tortoises (divs) all the way down...
This miracle is called the Shadow DOM
Explain the magic
Each of these shadow roots contains a DocumentFragment
which is, in effect, it's own Document in tree terms
Dude, where's my content?
<flag-wrapper> has 1 child, it isn't shown
slot(s) are projected into the display, not moved
Shadow DOM
By Brian Kardell
Shadow DOM
- 710