A certain person trying to make his way in the universe.
Presenter: 122527 Brine
commonly used thermodynamic diagrams
You guys are smart and know these already right?
I don't actually know
what you will need to understand the following(maybe not)
Introduction to what made me suffered
Before jumping into application
The rest of the things that make this even more messy
level an air parcel would need to be raised to to become saturated
a parcel, if heated to the “convective temperature,” would freely rise and form a cumulus cloud
It's time to stop.
Convective Available Potential Energy
Some other tools to make forecasts
around 30(K) $$\downarrow$$ less rain possibility
This is an important skill, I suppose.
Thank you for listening.
By Brine
A skew-T log-P diagram is one of four thermodynamic diagrams commonly used in weather analysis and forecasting.