What are some popular conceptions people have of God?


How do these conceptions line up with or contradict Scripture?

Jesus Reflects

Jesus Is the Exact Representation of God

In this session, we will see how God is restoring His image bearers through Jesus Christ, who is the perfect reflection of God. In Jesus, we see God’s nature, God’s glory, and God’s mission. And because of His work, we are able to grow in holiness and fulfill our purpose of bringing God glory.

1. Jesus reflects God’s nature (Col. 1:15-20).

What are some attributes of God the Father we can see in the life of Jesus?

What does it look like for Christ to be preeminent in your life?


In what ways do we show others the authority of Jesus by our obedience?

2. Jesus reflects God’s glory (2 Cor. 4:1-6).

What is the importance of Paul’s use of the term see in reference to the “light of the gospel of the glory of Christ”?


How do the ideas of blindness and sight help us understand the nature of salvation?

In what ways are we tempted to withhold glory from God or seek our own glory?


What responsibilities come with God’s grace in opening our eyes to the glory of God in Jesus Christ?

3. Jesus reflects God’s mission (John 5:36-44).

Jesus said His works testified about His identity. In what ways do our works testify about our identity?

How does the truth that Christ was sent by the Father affect the way we view our own mission—being sent by the Son?


Take a look at the portrait of Jesus in the New Testament and you will see the perfect picture of God. Jesus is the perfect representation of God the Father. He came to show us the Father in order that we may be saved. Jesus is the exact representation of God the Father. Let us seek to reflect and represent Jesus faithfully just as He came to represent God the Father faithfully.

Jesus Reconciles

Jesus Restores Communion with God and One Another

In this session, we will see that because of our sin, we fail to relate rightly to God and to each other, and the world is groaning under the weight of our rebellion. Through His work on the cross for us, Jesus Christ is restoring the world and reconciling us to God and to one another. As God’s people who have been reconciled, we are now tasked with being heralds of reconciliation in our world.

Next Week

Jesus Reflects: Jesus Is the Exact Representation of God

By Butch Ewing

Jesus Reflects: Jesus Is the Exact Representation of God

In this session, we will see how God is restoring His image bearers through Jesus Christ, who is the perfect reflection of God. In Jesus, we see God’s nature, God’s glory, and God’s mission. And because of His work, we are able to grow in holiness and fulfill our purpose of bringing God glory.

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