Does the thought of God seeing everything you do comfort you or concern you? How is God different than an impersonal “Big Brother” telescreen?

The Omni God

In this session, we will examine three attributes of God. He is all-knowing (omniscient), all-present (omnipresent), and all-powerful (omnipotent). God’s omniscience exposes our sins to Him and shows us our need of a Savior. It also means that He knows what lies ahead; nothing surprises Him. God’s omnipresence may seem oppressive (there’s no getting away from Him!) until we are in Christ and sense the comfort of His presence with us as we engage in His mission. His omnipotence means that He can judge and condemn; it also means that He is mighty to save. His power enables us to do His work, which will be fulfilled.

God’s Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence

1. God is all-knowing—omniscient (Ps. 139:1-6).


“God fully knows himself and all things actual and possible in one simple and eternal act.”

- Wayne Grudem

Why is it important to think of God’s omniscience in personal, relational terms?

What emotional response do you have when you realize that God knows everything about you?

How does God’s exhaustive knowledge of all things help you interpret the circumstances of your life?


2. God is everywhere—omnipresent (Ps. 139:7-10).


“God does not have size or spatial dimensions and is present at every point of space with his whole being, yet God acts differently in different places.”

- Wayne Grudem

If God is everywhere, why do we as Christians pray for God’s presence in our worship services?

What is it we mean when we ask God to be present with us?

In what ways can we become more aware of God’s constant presence?

How does knowing about God’s omnipresence motivate us in our mission to help people come under His blessing rather than under His judgment?

3. God is all-powerful—omnipotent (Matt. 19:23-26).


“God is able to do all His holy will.”

- Wayne Grudem

Does God share His power with us?

How does God’s power enable us to fulfill His mission?


This study focused on God’s omni attributes. It is certainly an incomplete presentation of His character. Later sessions will round out the picture so that we also understand God’s goodness and love as well as His holiness and righteousness. This study alone may not have dispelled the idea of God as a menacing “Big Brother,” always knowing, always present. But let’s think about the wonderful aspects of these attributes as we relate to God personally.

Reflective Questions

  • As a result of this study, which of the three omni attributes is the most difficult for you to accept or understand? Which one is the most comforting for you?
  • In what ways could you change your attitudes and actions so that you are more aware of God’s wonderful knowledge, presence, and power?

Good God

The Goodness and Love of God

In this session, we will see what it means to affirm that God is good. In particular, we will see how His goodness is displayed in His acts of mercy (goodness to those in distress) and in His acts of love (goodness in giving Himself to others). We will see that God is always good in His character, purposes, and actions. He expresses mercy toward humans by providing relief for both physical and spiritual suffering. His self-giving love is the basis for our salvation and the motivation for our loving God and others as we show the world God’s love through our actions and words.

Next Week

The Omni God: God’s Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence

By Butch Ewing

The Omni God: God’s Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence

In this session, we will examine three attributes of God. He is all-knowing (omniscient), all-present (omnipresent), and all-powerful (omnipotent). God’s omniscience exposes our sins to Him and shows us our need of a Savior. It also means that He knows what lies ahead; nothing surprises Him. God’s omnipresence may seem oppressive (there’s no getting away from Him!) until we are in Christ and sense the comfort of His presence with us as we engage in His mission. His omnipotence means that He can judge and condemn; it also means that He is mighty to save. His power enables us to do His work, which will be fulfilled.

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