How complex are galaxies?


Overview of the research methods used in the paper

Example of the S-curve:

2D manifold embedded in 3D

Compute \(k\)-nearest neighbors
→ edges of a graph

Draw a point
→ find shortest path to all others

Take a radius
→ count number of points in \([r, r+\Delta r]\)





How well does it perform?


  1. Draw
    • \(N\) points
    • from \(D\)-sphere
    • embed in 14 dimensions
    • fill \(14-D\) dims with small (\(<10^{-2}\)) noise
  2. Measure \(D\) vs. \(N\)


Photometric data

  • COSMOS 2020 (Weaver+22)
  • HAGN (Laigle+19)

14 wide bands

passive/SF split

+ 14 narrow bands


Summary of the key findings and conclusions presented in the paper

COSMOS dataset

COSMOS dataset


Both datasets broadly agree


w/out noise


w/out noise
abs. magnitudes


w/out noise
passive only


w/out noise
\(10^{10}<M_\star/\mathrm{M_\odot} < 10^{10.5}\)

How complex are galaxies?

How complex are galaxies?

*From wide-band photometry

Galaxies are not that complex

Wide-band photometry is 4-dimensional:

  • noise
  • redshift
  • stellar mass
  • SFR

Important to guide dimensionality reduction techniques (UMAP, SOM, VAE)

Physical underlying params?

  • halo mass
  • local density?
  • gravitational shear (Paranjape+18)?
  • tidal misalignment (Moon&Lee 24, Cadiou+22)?

How complex are galaxies?

By Corentin Cadiou

How complex are galaxies?

The presentation explores the complexity of galaxies using research methods and datasets. It discusses the results from the COSMOS dataset and HAGN, highlighting the magnitudes and passive galaxies. Overall, it challenges the perception of galaxies being highly complex.

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