Corentin Cadiou
Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop
8 August 2023
The causal origin of high-\(z\) galactic angular momentum: replacing galaxies in their cosmological context
Corentin Cadiou
Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop
8 August 2023
The causal origin of high-\(z\) galactic angular momentum: replacing galaxies in their cosmological context
low \(z\sim 2\)
Harrison+17 (KMOS, \(z=1\))
Spiral galaxies \(\leftrightarrow\) high \(J_\star\)
What's the arrow of causality?
Rodriguez-Gomez+22 (TNG)
Angular momentum: controls disk formation?
Angular momentum: bridging galaxy to cosmology
[AM: Dekel & Birboim 06; Stewart+11; Kim+11; Pichon+11; Codis+12; Danovich+12,15; Stewart+13; Codis+15; Prieto+15; Tillson+15; Stewart+17, Cadiou+21,…]
Dekel&Birnboim 06
most of mass + AM flow along filaments
intrinsic alignment problem
Dekel&Birnboim 06
most of mass + AM flow along filaments
How do we study these effects?
Large volumes
sample \(p(M_\star, M_\mathrm{DM},\mathbf{J}, d_\mathrm{fil}, \dots)\)
This talk
sample \(p(\mathbf{J}|M_\star, M_\mathrm{DM}, d_\mathrm{fil}, \dots)\)
Angular momentum: bridging galaxy to cosmology
intrinsic alignment problem
Angular momentum: where are we?
Predictions for \(j_\mathrm{DM}\) remain qualitative
weak correlation
(statistically strong)
- Is \(j_\mathrm{DM}\) chaotic or our theory poor?
- Do \(j_\mathrm{gal}\) retain memory of their environment?
How is AM transported to the disk?
1. Is \(j_\mathrm{DM}\) chaotic or our theory poor?
First controlled experiment of testing tidal torque theory for individual halos
CC+21a, arXiv: 2012.02201
2. Do \(j_\mathrm{gal}\) retain memory
of the environment?
3. How is AM transported
to the disk?
Predicting angular momentum
\( z = 100\)
Predicting angular momentum
\( z = 100\)
[White 84]
Predicting angular momentum
\( z = 100\)
[Genetic modifications: Roth+16, see also Rey&Pontzen 18, Stopyra+20]
Predicting angular momentum
Sampling \(p(\mathbf{J}|M_\mathrm{DM}, d_\mathrm{fil}, \dots)\)
Predicting angular momentum
Predicting angular momentum
✅ AM of fixed DM regions responds ~linearly (so is not chaotic!)
Improve theory?
- Go to non-linear order (non-linear TTT)
- Accurate prediction of Lagrangian patch boundaries (see Musso&Sheth 23)
1. Is \(j_\mathrm{DM}\) chaotic or our theory poor?
2. Do \(j_\mathrm{gal}\) retain memory
of the environment?
First controlled experiment of angular momentum accretion on individual galaxies
CC+22, arXiv: 2206.11913
Main idea: stars are deeper in potential well so less sensitive to what happens at large scales
⇒ stellar Lagrangian patch should be more stable to perturbations
3. How is AM transported
to the disk?
Baryon angular momentum
Full hydro simulations
(10Mh @ DiRAC):
- Resolve disk height
\(\Delta x_\mathrm{min} = 35\ \mathrm{pc}\) - \(M_\mathrm{200c} = 10^{12}\ \mathrm{M}_\odot\) @ \(z=2\)
- SF + AGN & SN feedback
- 3 galaxies, 5× scenario each
\( j_0 \times 0.66\)
\( j_0 \times 0.8\)
\( j_0 \times 1.2\)
\( j_0 \times 1.5\)
Sampling \(p(\mathbf{J}|M_\star, M_\mathrm{DM}, d_\mathrm{fil}, \dots)\)
Baryon angular momentum
\( j_0 \times 0.66\)
\( j_0 \times 0.8\)
\( j_0 \times 1.2\)
\( j_0 \times 1.5\)
Sampling \(p(\mathbf{J}|M_\star, M_\mathrm{DM}, d_\mathrm{fil}, \dots)\)
… by delaying/hastening time of last major merger
Full hydro simulations
(10Mh @ DiRAC):
- Resolve disk height
\(\Delta x_\mathrm{min} = 35\ \mathrm{pc}\) - \(M_\mathrm{200c} = 10^{12}\ \mathrm{M}_\odot\) @ \(z=2\)
- SF + AGN & SN feedback
- 3 galaxies, 5× scenario each
INPUT \(z=\infty\)
\( j_0 \times 0.66\)
\( j_0 \times 0.8\)
\( j_0 \times 1.2\)
\( j_0 \times 1.5\)
\( j_0 \times 0.66\)
\( j_0 \times 0.8\)
\( j_0 \times 1.2\)
\( j_0 \times 1.5\)
✅ Stellar AM driven by (past) tides with the cosmic web (which can be predicted)
✅ Useful to make sense out of e.g. JWST data
✅ Changes in baryon spAM \(\propto\) changes in Halo spAM
\({\color{#808080}{\lambda_\mathrm{DM}}} \underset{f_j}{\Longrightarrow} \lambda_\mathrm{\color{#0000ff}{bar}\color{#daa520}{yon}} \underset{\text{SF+fb}}{\Longrightarrow} \color{#daa520}\lambda_\star\)
❗Per-galaxy fluctuation of \(\lambda_\star/\lambda_\mathrm{DM} \)
\(\Rightarrow\) cannot be captured with HOD modelling
Gas + stars spAM
Stars spAM
Halo spAM
Halo spAM
1. Is \(j_\mathrm{DM}\) chaotic or our theory poor?
2. Do \(j_\mathrm{gal}\) retain memory
of the environment?
3. How is AM transported
to the disk?
CC+Pichon+Dubois, 21, arXiv: 2110.05384
Kocjan, CC in prep.
Dynamics of angular momentum
Realignment between…
…\(3R_\mathrm{vir}\) and \(R_\mathrm{vir}\)
…\(R_\mathrm{vir}\) and \(R_\mathrm{vir}/3\)
…\(R_\mathrm{vir}\) and \(R_\mathrm{vir}/10\)
✅ Most of realignment happens in “CGM” (\(\leq R_\mathrm{vir}/3\))
Mostly due to grav. torques (consistent with e.g. Danovich+15)
\(T_\mathrm{max}\) between \(2 R_\mathrm{vir}\) and \(R_\mathrm{vir}/3\)?
\(\leq 3\times10^4\,\mathrm{K}\)
Cold accretion
\(\geq 5\times10^5\,\mathrm{K}\)
Hot accretion
[Kocjan, CC+ in prep]
What happens in the CGM?
✅ Cold accretion is slow to form stars
Quick depletion right after merger
[Kocjan, CC+ in prep]
Take home messages
\(j_\mathrm{DM}\) responds linearly to tides
Good accuracy (few ~10%) achievable for individual halos in principle iff correct growth rate+boundary
\(j_\mathrm{gal}\) retain memory of the cosmic web
Galaxies may be less stochastic than expected
Galactic spin & DM spins are (partially) independent at level of individual galaxies
Boundary CW \(\rightarrow\) galaxy formation: CGM
Buffer zone: transition from gravity-dominated to baryon-dominated regime
Delay in star formation for cold-accreted gas in CGM: what's the physics?
Take home messages
The effects of environment on halo properties
Kraljic+18 [see also Laigle15, Song+21,…]
- \( M_\mathrm{DM}(\text{node}) \) > \(M_\mathrm{DM}(\text{fil}) \) >\(M_\mathrm{DM}(\text{void})\), higher clustering
- spins align with cosmic web ⇒ issue for weak lensing
- \(v/\sigma(\mathrm{fil})>v/\sigma(\mathrm{void})\) ⇒ bias in galaxy formation
- ….
The effects of environment on halo properties
Isotropic effects
Kaiser bias, cluster vs. groups, ...
From theory: \(M\propto \int\mathrm{d}^3R\rho\)
Mass regulated
An-isotropic effects
Intrinsic alignment, formation of disks?
From theory: \(J \propto \int\mathrm{d}^3R \nabla \phi\)
Angular momentum regulated?
Predicting angular momentum
\( z = 100\)
\[\mathbf{L}_\mathrm{lin.} \propto \int\mathrm{d}^3q(\mathbf{q}-\bar{\mathbf{q}})\times \nabla\phi\]
Position w.r.t. center
[White 84]
Note: vanishes at 1st order in a sphere
\[ \int_\Gamma \mathrm{d}^3{q}(\mathbf{q}-\mathbf{\bar{q}}) \times\nabla\phi = \int_{\partial\Gamma}\phi(q)(\mathbf{q}-\mathbf{\bar{q}})\times\mathrm{d}\mathbf{S}\]
Note: the following is a (poor) approximation:
\[ \mathbf{L} \propto \epsilon_{ijk} T_{jl}I_{lk},\quad\text{with \textbf{T} the tidal tensor and \textbf{I} the inertia tensor}\]
[See also Danovich+15, Prieto+17]
✅ Most of re-alignment happens in the CGM \(0.1\leq \displaystyle\frac{r}{R_\mathrm{vir}}\leq 0.3\)
The longer gas remains in CGM, the more it realigns with disk
[See also Danovich+15, Prieto+17]
Ongoing work by Z. Kocjan
[Kocjan, CC+ in prep]
Filamentary accretion ~ Cold flow = \(T \leq 10^5\mathrm{K}\) for \(0.3R_\mathrm{vir} < r < 2R_\mathrm{vir}\)
Filamentary accretion ~ Cold flow = \(T \leq 10^5\mathrm{K}\) for \(0.3R_\mathrm{vir} < r < 2R_\mathrm{vir}\)
Not necessarily fast-track to star formation ⇒ lose connection to CW?
[Kocjan, CC+ in prep]
\(M_\mathrm{DM}(z=2)\approx 10^{11}-10^{12} \mathrm{M_\odot}\)
Ongoing work by Z. Kocjan
What's the effect of anisotropic env DM/gal formation?
Study same object, different environment.
CC+21, arXiv: 2107.03407
Cosmic web drives AM acquisition... what scales? what's affected?
What if the galaxy had formed here instead?
What if the galaxy had formed here instead?
or here?
The “splicing” technique
- Generate ICs
- Integrate (\(N\)-nody)
- Select region of interest
- Trace back to ICs
- “Splice”
- Integrate again
Splicing: equivalent of constraining field at all points in spliced region
The causal origin of DM halo concentration
\(M^{(1)}_{200\mathrm{c}}, c^{(1)}_\mathrm{NFW}, \dots\)
\(M^{(2)}_{200\mathrm{c}}, c^{(2)}_\mathrm{NFW}, \dots\)
\(M^{(\dots)}_{200\mathrm{c}}, c^{(\dots)}_\mathrm{NFW}, \dots\)
\(M^{(10)}_{200\mathrm{c}}, c^{(10)}_\mathrm{NFW}, \dots\)
Same halo in 10× different environments
Repeat experiment for 7 halos (70 realisations in total)
Same halo in 10× different environments
Repeat experiment for 7 halos (70 realisations in total)
\(M^{(1)}_{200\mathrm{c}}, c^{(1)}_\mathrm{NFW}, \dots\)
\(M^{(2)}_{200\mathrm{c}}, c^{(2)}_\mathrm{NFW}, \dots\)
\(M^{(\dots)}_{200\mathrm{c}}, c^{(\dots)}_\mathrm{NFW}, \dots\)
\(M^{(10)}_{200\mathrm{c}}, c^{(10)}_\mathrm{NFW}, \dots\)
The causal origin of DM halo concentration
Same halo in 10× different environments
Repeat experiment for 7 halos (70 realisations in total)
\(M^{(1)}_{200\mathrm{c}}, c^{(1)}_\mathrm{NFW}, \dots\)
\(M^{(2)}_{200\mathrm{c}}, c^{(2)}_\mathrm{NFW}, \dots\)
\(M^{(\dots)}_{200\mathrm{c}}, c^{(\dots)}_\mathrm{NFW}, \dots\)
\(M^{(10)}_{200\mathrm{c}}, c^{(10)}_\mathrm{NFW}, \dots\)
The causal origin of DM halo concentration
50% of population
Ex Uno Plures: direct measure of the impact of the cosmic web on individual objects to shed light on their population statistics
Corentin Cadiou
The Co-evolution of the CW and Galaxies across Cosmic Time
The causal origin of DM halo concentration
$$\rho_\mathrm{DM}(r) = \frac{\rho_0}{\frac{r}{R_\mathrm{vir}/c} \left(1 + \frac{r}{R_\mathrm{vir}/c}\right)^2}$$
Origin of scatter at fixed \(M_\mathrm{vir}\)?
Predicting angular momentum
- Angular momentum of individual regions can be predicted accurately.
- AM of halos ⇒ requires boundaries of patch
\[\mathbf{L}_\mathrm{lin.} \propto \int\mathrm{d}^3q(\mathbf{q}-\bar{\mathbf{q}})\times \nabla\phi\]
[On patch boundaries: see Lucie-Smith+18]
Splicing in 1D
Splicing in 1D
Most likely* field \(f\) with
- same value in spliced region (\(a\)),
- as close as possible outside (\(b\))
Mathematically \(f\) is solution of:
\( f= a\) in \(\Gamma\)
minimizes \(\mathcal{Q} = (b-f)^\dagger\mathbf{C}^{-1}(b-f) \) outside \(\Gamma\)
Can we control baryonic
angular momentum?
Wechsler & Tinker 18
\({\color{red}M_\star} / M_\mathrm{h} \ll \Omega_b / \Omega_m \)
⇒ baryons & DM stem from different regions
Baryons more strongly bound
⇒ less prone to being ejected
Verify that
\[\xi_\mathrm{lin}(r) \sim \left\langle {\color{green}\underbrace{\delta(x=d)}_\mathrm{in}} {\color{purple} \underbrace{\delta(x=d+r)}_\mathrm{out}}\right\rangle \]
is the same in spliced / ref simulation.
Verify that
\[\xi_\mathrm{lin}(r) \sim \left\langle {\color{green}\underbrace{\delta(x=d)}_\mathrm{in}} {\color{purple} \underbrace{\delta(x=d+r)}_\mathrm{out}}\right\rangle \]
is the same in spliced / ref simulation.
Verify that
\[\xi_\mathrm{lin}(r) \sim \left\langle {\color{green}\underbrace{\delta(x=d)}_\mathrm{in}} {\color{purple} \underbrace{\delta(x=d+r)}_\mathrm{out}}\right\rangle \]
is the same in spliced / ref simulation.
Temporary conclusions
angular momentum is predictable
boundary of halos in the ICs is a hard problem
⇒ limits practicality of predictions (for now)
baryons appear to be simpler!
⇒ good news for weak lensing predictions
⇒ key to understand morphology
Galaxy formation in cosmology: the role of the environment
Environmental effects:
- source of “pollution” in weak lensing surveys
⇒ intrinsic alignment
- extra parameters in semi-analytical models
⇒ galaxy-halo correlation
\( R_{1/2} \)
\( l_0 \times 1.2\)
\( l_0 \times 1.5\)
\( l_0 \times 0.66\)
\( l_0 \times 0.8\)
\( l_0 \times 0.66\)
\( l_0 \times 0.8\)
\( l_0 \times 1.2\)
\( l_0 \times 1.5\)
\( l_0 \times 1.2\)
\( l_0 \times 1.5\)
\( l_0 \times 0.66\)
\( l_0 \times 0.8\)
\( l_0 \times 1.2\)
\( l_0 \times 1.5\)
\( l_0 \times 0.66\)
\( l_0 \times 0.8\)
- AM of baryons originates from initial conditions…
- can be controlled…
- and regulate galaxy morphology
- Negligible AGN/SN global self-regulation
Galaxy formation
[L. Cortese; SDSS.]
Origin of morphological diversity at fixed mass?
[L. Cortese; SDSS.]
Origin of morphological diversity at fixed mass?
How to explain environmental effects?
[Kraljic+ in prep]
Galaxy formation
The origin of high \(z\) angular momentum
I. Torque with cosmic web
The origin of high \(z\) angular momentum
I. Torque with cosmic web
II. Transport at constant AM
The origin of high \(z\) angular momentum
I. Torque with cosmic web
II. Transport at constant AM
III. Torque down in inner halo
The origin of high \(z\) angular momentum
I. Torque with cosmic web
II. Transport at constant AM
III. Torque down in inner halo
IV. Mixing in inner disk & bulge
The origin of high \(z\) angular momentum
The origin of high \(z\) angular momentum
IV. Mixing in inner disk & bulge
Fraction that ends up in disk vs. IGM?
Influence of galactic physics?
III. Torque down in inner halo
Origin of torque down (pressure or gravity)?
Loss of link with cosmic AM?
II. Transport at constant AM
Same evolution in cold/hot accretion modes?
I. Torque with cosmic web
Predict pre-accretion AM?
Alignment with environment?
The origin of high \(z\) angular momentum
IV. Mixing in inner disk & bulge
Fraction that ends up in disk vs. IGM?
Influence of galactic physics?
III. Torque down in inner halo
Origin of torque down (pressure or gravity)?
Loss of link with cosmic AM?
See Cadiou+21c
II. Transport at constant AM
Same evolution in cold/hot accretion modes?
I. Torque with cosmic web
Predict pre-accretion AM?
Alignment with environment?
The origin of high \(z\) angular momentum
IV. Mixing in inner disk & bulge
Fraction that ends up in disk vs. IGM?
Influence of galactic physics?
III. Torque down in inner halo
Origin of torque down (pressure or gravity)?
Loss of link with cosmic AM?
II. Transport at constant AM
Same evolution in cold/hot accretion modes?
I. Torque with cosmic web
Predict pre-accretion AM?
Alignment with environment?
The causal origin of high-z galactic angular momentum: replacing galaxies in their cosmological context | Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop
By Corentin Cadiou
The causal origin of high-z galactic angular momentum: replacing galaxies in their cosmological context | Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop
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