Zero to Silex

Chris Smith


  • Web Developer specializing in PHP
  • I regularly write at
  • Father of two
  • Mountain Biker
  • Brewer

Let's learn!

  • Briefly:
    • Frameworks vs Microframeworks
    • Git
    • Composer
    • PHP's built-in webserver
  • In Depth:
    • Building a basic app in Silex w/ user auth


micro Frameworks

choose your weapon

  • Silex
  • Limonade
  • GluePHP
  • FlightPHP
  • Fat-Free Framework
  • MicroMVC
  • Bullet
  • Bento
  • Yolo
  • Fluphy
  • Tonic
  • Phlyty
  • Phraw
  • Photon
  • Fitzgerald
  • phpMF
  • Tachyon
  • Pupcake
  • Relax
  • Lime
  • Shield
  • Hydra
  • Slim
  • Gum

Get it done with git

git it?

PHP's best friend

Say goodbye to this

Git-ing setup

# Install PHP & Git
apt-add-repository ppa:ondrej/php5
apt-get update
apt-get install php5 php5-intl php5-common git mysql-server

# Setup DB
mysql -uroot -e 'CREATE DATABASE zero2silex;'

# Get Composer
curl -sS | php

# Pull down Silex
composer require silex/silex

# Start PHP server
php -S localhost:8000 

references and links

Thank You!

Zero to Silex

By Chris Smith

Zero to Silex

Zero to Silex will immerse you into the micro framework world of PHP if you haven't experienced it yet. This presentation works best with a live presentation and live code example :) - I will post a live demonstration link to YouTube soon.

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