Verbs like gustar

Por Carlos Reid

In English we say...

Picking it apart


subject of the sentence


the verb


direct object

Simple enough in Spanish, right?

En español we do things differently

I like it

It is pleasing to me

What is different?

In Enligsh:

like the book

In Spanish:

The book is pleasing to me

subject, and also direct object



indirect object pronoun

Conjugating gustar verbs

When singular....


from "ar" to simply "a"

When plural...


from "ar" to simply "an"

an example of a singular subject: a book

an example of a singular subject: the books

Verbs you should know

importar - to be important

interesar - to interest

encantar - to love, to delight

gustar - to be pleasing


Without further ado...

Verbs like gustar

By Chase Reid

Verbs like gustar

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