learning targets


Profile (submit on Edulastic)

what we're doing today

  1. Discuss homework

    • Process

    • Problem

  2. Learn about rhetorical triangle

  3. Begin profiles


learning targets


Get plagiarism policy signed and returned to me by next class.

what we're doing today

  1. What is plagiarism?
  2. Plagiarism Quiz
  3. Introduce Opt I/O
  4. Work on "Welcome"


Quick poll:

Thumbs up, side, or down:
How well do we know what plagiarism is?

plagiarism quiz

Complete the plagiarism quiz.


You can work alone or with a partner (your choice, but I'd recommend working with a partner).


  • What do we gain from having them?
  • What do we sacrifice?
  • Is it worth it?

What does it mean to “opt in”?

What does it mean to “opt out”?

Every Day

You will fill out a (super short) Google Form letting me know whether you are opting in or out for the day.

Opt out

“I’m taking this block as a silent study hall.”

  • Zero on any graded work from the day
  • Form notification sent home

Opt in

“I am here and ready to learn.”

  • Classwork grade = 10/10

Two Ways to Opt Out

  1. Before class starts
  2. During class (any of the following):
    1. I have to redirect you 3 times
    2. I see your phone (or other devices):
      1. Two times
      2. One time for more than 5 seconds
    3. Something absolutely ridiculous happens that somehow doesn’t fall into these two categories

How loud is a silent study hall?

Everyone Gets One Freebie Per Semester

(2 Per Year Total)

  • I don’t contact home at all
  • Graded work for that day can be made up within one week for full credit
  • You can thank Madison McPherson for the freebies (that part was her idea, and last year I promised her I’d make sure you all knew that)

What We’re Doing Right Now

  1. Take out your computers.
  2. Open Google Classroom and accept the invite to our class.
  3. Open the assignment posted on Classroom (called Welcome).
  4. Log in to GoFormative with your school Google account.
  5. Complete the assignment titled “Welcome.”

What you don’t finish must be completed before class starts on Friday.

004 (B) 2023.09.01

By Chelce Hessler

004 (B) 2023.09.01

  • 456