1. Late Classwork/Homework Submission:

You show up to class and realize that you left your homework on the table last night. What do you do?

  • A. “I missed the deadline, so I’ll focus on the next assignment and learn from this.” (Syllabus Choice)
  • B. “I’ll submit it late; the teacher might still appreciate the effort.” (Close but Incorrect)
  • C. “I’ll copy down my friend’s answers. It’s just homework, and besides, I did it; I just don’t have it.” (Poor Choice)
  • D. “I’ll explain my situation to the teacher; they might understand and give me an extension.” (Unlikely Choice)
  1. Late Essay Submission

You come to class and realize that you made a mistake: the essay you thought was due next class was actually due this morning. What do you do?

  • A. “I’ll submit the essay tomorrow and accept that I’m going to lose 10 points; it’s better than a zero.” (Syllabus Choice)
  • B. “I’ll let the teacher know that I ended up changing some of my ideas at kind of the last minute and ask for extra time.” (Close but Incorrect)
  • C. “I’ll explain that I messed up the deadline and ask the teacher for an extension.” (Poor Choice)
  • D. “I’ll skip this essay; it’s just one assignment, and I’ve been doing all of my classwork and homework, so I should be okay.” (Unlikely Choice)
  1. Needing Extra Help

You’ve tried, and tried, but whatever it is we’re learning in class, you are for sure not getting it. You’ve already tried asking Ms. Hessler questions a couple of times. What do you do?

  • A. “I’ll schedule an appointment after school; the teacher is there to help.” (Syllabus Choice)
  • B. “I’ll ask a friend for help; I don’t want to be annoying.” (Close but Incorrect)
  • C. “I’ll figure it out on my own; asking for help might seem like I’m not trying hard enough.” (Poor Choice)
  • D. “I’ll email Ms. Hessler a list of my questions so she can respond after school when she’s not so busy.” (Unlikely Choice)
  1. Disagreement with a Classmate

Ms. Hessler was nice enough to put you and your friend next to each other in the seating chart. The problem is that you just found out for a fact that your “friend” has been spreading serious lies about you and posting a ton of stuff making fun of you on a different social media account. When you confronted them about it, they denied everything. Being around them makes you really uncomfortable. What do you do?

  • A. “I’ll sit down for today, and then during class, I’ll explain the situation to Ms. Hessler, and maybe she will be willing to change my seat.”
  • B. “Whatever. Even if I sit next to them, I don’t have to talk to them; it’s easier and avoids unnecessary drama.” (Close but Incorrect)
  • C. “I’ll stand up for myself and tell them to go to a different seat.” (Poor Choice)
  • D. “I’ll just sit somewhere else today.” (Unlikely Choice)
  1. Unprepared for Class (No Materials)

Ms. Hessler tells the class to take out pens and notebooks, since you’re going to take a few notes. You open your bag and realize that you actually forgot both at home. What do you do?

  • A. “I’ll come up and grab a pen and paper from the front of the room.” (Syllabus Choice)
  • B. “I’ll try to remember the notes; it’s just one day, and I don’t want to look bad.” (Close but Incorrect)
  • C. “I’ll ask the class if anyone has a pen and paper I can borrow.” (Poor Choice)
  • D. “I’ll take screenshots of the slides instead.” (Unlikely Choice)
  1. Providing Constructive Criticism

After working on our essays for a week, it’s time to move into peer feedback. You read through your classmate’s essay, and it is bad. I mean really, really bad. Like, however bad you’re thinking it is right now, it’s twice as bad as that. What do you do?

  • A. “I’ll point out two or three major things they should revise; I don’t want to overwhelm them with details, but if they don’t fix the big stuff, their grade is going to be terrible.” (Syllabus Choice)
  • B. “I’ll tell them something really minor that they can fix; at least that should be easy enough for them to raise their grade a little bit.” (Close but Incorrect)
  • C. “I’ll be honest with them. The reason their work is bad is because people haven’t been willing to hurt their feelings, but they’re never going to get better. At least this way, they’ll know everything they’re doing wrong.” (Poor Choice)
  • D. “I’ll tell them that it’s good. We already worked on it for a week; what’s the point in having them try to revise now?” (Unlikely Choice)
  1. Late Arrival to Class

Maybe you were staying after to talk to a teacher, maybe you were in the bathroom, maybe you were talking to a friend - it doesn’t matter how it happened, but what does matter is that the bell rang one minute ago, and you’re not in English class yet. What do you do?

  • A. “I’ll show up, knock on the door quietly, check in for the day, silently sit in my seat, and look at the slides and at my classmates to try to figure out what we’re doing.” (Syllabus Choice)
  • B. “I’ll come in and apologize for being late. I’ll explain to Ms. Hessler why I’m late and ask what I missed.” (Close but Incorrect)
  • C. “The reason I’m late is actually a hilarious story that I can’t not share with the class when I walk in.” (Poor Choice)
  • D. “The bell just rang one minute ago; I’m not actually late.” (Unlikely Choice)
  1. Tracking Grades

We’re about two thirds of the way through the quarter, and you’re wondering if there’s anything you can do to bring your grade up. What do you do?

  • A. “I don’t have any work missing, or any work that can be made up. (I checked PowerSchool yesterday, which is how I know.) I’ll try my best for the rest of the quarter, and hope it makes a difference.” (Syllabus Choice)
  • B. “I’m probably fine; Ms. Hessler would have let me known if I was not doing well.” (Close but Incorrect)
  • C. “I don’t check PowerSchool, so I actually don’t even know what my grade is in this class.” (Poor Choice)
  • D. “I’ll ask if there’s extra credit or work from before that I can make up. I only need, like, one point, and there’s got to be something I missed or something extra that I can hand in.” (Unlikely Choice)

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By Chelce Hessler

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