learning targets


Analyze Dove ads (Edulastic)

what we're doing today

  1. Observations re: Assignment #1

  2. Analyzing Audience & Purpose

    • Toyota

    • HelloFresh

    • Dove

  3. Begin independent ad analysis


Block 1 7:20 - 8:04
Block 2 8:09 - 8:53
Block 3 8:58 - 9:41
Block 4 9:46 - 10:30

10:30 Weather Early Dismissal

what's working for us

  • Open-minded approach
  • Strong work ethic
  • Personal anecdotes and details
  • Recognizing the more abstract implications of language

what we need to work on

  • "Ramble" doesn't count as a legitimate writing structure.
  • Your ideas are only as strong as the support you give them.
  • You don't get to choose which aspects of the prompt you want to respond to.
  • Grammar exists.
  • Quit BSing with vague nothing answers.
  • Let your elaboration breathe.
  • Syntax deserves your attention (especially when clarity is at stake).
  • "ANSWER THE DAMN PROMPT" (verbatim from the notes I took while grading)
  • Don't be lazy with your language ("language" is literally in the course title).
  • Faux-philosophizing is going to make you look dumb.


learning targets



what we're doing today

  1. Submit your plagiarism policies up front.
  2. Refresh our memories:
    1. What is opt-in/opt-out?
    2. What will get you auto-opted out?
  3. Scan the QR code to fill out your opt-in/opt-out form for today.
  4. Discuss: Why do we tell stories?
  5. Mini-Anticipation Guide
  6. Read “The Lottery” & answer comprehension questions
  7. React to “The Lottery"
Block 1 7:20 - 8:04
Block 2 8:09 - 8:53
Block 3 8:58 - 9:41
Block 4 9:46 - 10:30

10:30 Weather Early Dismissal

Follow the QR code to fill out the Google Form letting me know whether you're opting in or out for today.

After you've filled out your form, power your phone all the way off (battery-dead off), and put it in your bag, along with any other devices.

Opt in/out Form

Block 1 7:20 - 8:04
Block 2 8:09 - 8:53
Block 3 8:58 - 9:41
Block 4 9:46 - 10:30


  1. What’s the best story you ever heard?
  2. What makes it good?
  3. Why do we tell stories?

Anticipation Guide: (Plickers)

For each of the following statements, choose whether you:

A. Strongly Agree

B. Agree

C. Disagree

D. Strongly Disagree

Social norms and expectations give us good guidelines to follow.

A. Strongly Agree   B. Agree. C. Disagree.  D. Strongly Disagree

You shouldn’t follow rules you disagree with.

A. Strongly Agree   B. Agree. C. Disagree.  D. Strongly Disagree

Traditions create community and bring people together.

A. Strongly Agree   B. Agree. C. Disagree.  D. Strongly Disagree

If you choose to be a part of something, you deserve whatever outcome results (good, bad, or otherwise).

A. Strongly Agree   B. Agree. C. Disagree.  D. Strongly Disagree

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

"The most controversial short story The New Yorker has ever published.


After it ran, hundreds of readers cancelled their subscriptions or wrote letters expressing their anger and confusion over what the story meant.


Jackson became a literary sensation almost overnight."

Block 1 7:20 - 8:04
Block 2 8:09 - 8:53
Block 3 8:58 - 9:41
Block 4 9:46 - 10:30

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

  1. Read the text.
  2. Answer the comprehension questions as you read.
Block 1 7:20 - 8:04
Block 2 8:09 - 8:53
Block 3 8:58 - 9:41
Block 4 9:46 - 10:30


“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

  1. Listen and follow along in the text.
  2. We will stop at different points in the text to discuss and answer the comprehension questions.
Block 1 7:20 - 8:04
Block 2 8:09 - 8:53
Block 3 8:58 - 9:41
Block 4 9:46 - 10:30

Reaction: “The Lottery”

  1. Did the story end how you expected? Why or why not?
  2. Why do you think Shirley Jackson might have decided to tell this story? (”I don’t know” is not an answer; take a reasonable guess, and don’t be afraid to be “wrong”.)
  3. Ask one question about this story OR share one connection it makes you think of (either to yourself, the world, or another story/movie/TV show, etc.).

{insert demo and psycho image}

006 (B) - 2023.09.06

By Chelce Hessler

006 (B) - 2023.09.06

  • 423